Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Politics and religion 10-9

Hello all. I am glad to see some fight in America. 60% of all evangelical christians in the United States are united in opposing 'same-sex' marriage and abortions. Now here is the main point you need to vote. If you just say these things are important and don't do anything (as in vote). It is of no effect. Well the choice is yours. Someone once said "evil triumphs when good does nothing" do something in February of 08 and vote. Vote in November of 08 get out and vote. There are still some signs of life. Guillani will join the "Washington briefing" that Dr. James Dobson will be hosting. It is available for all of the opponents. I wonder why Hillary Clinton and Obama are not joining them? Hillary and Obama would not go on Fox news for cable. Wonder why? I mean they went on CNN, but not Fox News on Cable. Confusing maybe they are hiding something. You say NO! By the way 38 states now have 'absentee ballots' which means you can vote by mail. If you can not make it to the polls, vote by mail. No more excuses. VOTE. Well email me at www.latravelYTB.com and www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com and www.frc.org and www.citizenlink.org and www.americancongressfortruth.com by.

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