Thursday, October 18, 2007

Politics and religion 10-18

Hello all. What else did I learn at the calvary Chapel men's conference. I learned about 'Holiness'. This is a word that in our culture and churches has been forgotten. Pastor Steve Mays said that 'we have lost the consciousness of God'. We have lost the fear of God as well. We in America don't fear the Almighty anymore. Is that true? Well let's see. 1.5 million babies are aborted and murdered which is a direct violation of the 10 commandments. When a society doesn't care for the 10 commandments that is a good sign that you are in trouble spiritually. Those 1.5 million aborted babies were victims of inconvenience, so, as a result of the pleasure God Molech, which is talked about in the Old Testament. Also, you have 'gay' people who are demanding rights, which is a sign of total depravity. Romans chapter one. Don't believe me research cultures that have become 'gay-friendly' read about their destruction. Could God use the 'homosexual movement' to show us christians who the 'true' believers are and who the false ones are. The ones who say they are 'christians' and are not. Well I don't know. If you don't fear God then you will fall for anything, get the 'fear of God' in your heart and life. It will dramatically change you. Do you know how 'revival' starts, it starts with a change in your life, a transforming of Christ's mind to your mind. As God changes you remember that. Ask God today to fill you with the proper "fear of GOd" today. Email me even if you disagree. and and and and by.

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