Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Politics and religion 10-10

Hello all. Well it is interesting to me how the government wants to waste your taxpayer money. Adult stem cell research has produced great results, however, Hillary Clinton is now saying if she is elected she will vote for 'embryonic stem cell research' and the funding of it. This research has not produced any results (medically speaking) and yet who is going to fund this. You the taxpayers, yes you. Well we now are destroying stem cell life. Next will be "euthanasia". That is the killing of the 'mentally retarded" and the elderly in our society. This is what Hitler did to the Jews during the World war 2. He said "Jews who were 40 or older were expendible". This country will say that 65 or older you are expendible. After all we can't pay for all of these people on social security. So they will say 'kill em'. Say goodbye to your grandpa now, because if the government has it's way they will kill your elderly family members. Don't believe me, they do the 'right to die' treatments in Holland and the Netherlands. Never believe me, believe my references. Doctors in Holland and the Netherlands have absolute power. If they want to kill you over there, and you are in the hospital. Guess what they just execute you. If "embryonic stem cells" are so beneficial. Then how come people like Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are not investing in them. Because if the research fails guess what Gates and Buffett are not out a dime, you and I, however are paying for it. Remember, (programs whether or not they work )= $. Who's money the middle class. There will be a raise in the 'marriage penalty tax' back to 1500 dollars if she is elected. Mark my words. Say hello to more government waste of taxpayer dollars if Hillary Clinton is elected. Well I am done for today. Email me at and and and

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