Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Politics and religion 10-24

Hello. Will abortion end? The answer is obvious. NO! You see the reason Democrats like federal taxpaying dollars to go for abortion is one simple reason. Less accountability. It is alot harder to track federal dollars than it is to track state dollars. Let me use an example, in Minnestoa, (I believe) they passed the state-run embroyonic stem cell research. It was a billion dollars I believe. Anyway, now the voters are starting to feel the pinch of the financial cost that this program is incurring. And they have heard that embryonic stem cell research is a failure. You say to me "how do you know" I will tell you how I know. Answer me this question if this research is so productive why is it that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are not investing in it. I will tell you why. If the taxpayers pay for it and it flops, has Buffett or Gates lost anything no. You the american taxpayer will pay the cost for a failed experiment put on by the Federal Government. Remember something that I keep saying 'programs=money'. Do you want your taxes raised in 09 vote for a democrat. If you want moderate tax increases here and there vote republican. By the way the middle-class always seem to get stuck with the highest tax bill of all people in the United States. Remember that when you vote. Email me at and and and by.

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