Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Politics and religion 10-31 today a look at

Hello all. Today we will look at a miraculous side of the Southern California wildfires. There is a pastor in Running Springs, California, and he has a miracle story to tell us about. He came to our church on Sunday night, and spoke on the miracles that God did through the fire. Jeff Gill is Senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Running Springs, and he said that the Wildfire in his area was horrible. However, here is the miracle, Jeff said that the fire went to the North side of the entrance of the camp, and with no firefighters in sight whatsoever, he said the fire stopped 20 feet from the entrance on the North side of the camp. Then Jeff said he put something like 300 firefighters in his church, and guess what happened. The firefigthers in the southern california wildfires said that "this place is weird, whenever the fire starts anywhere else it just flares up, and consumes everything in its path, however, here it just slows up to the camp" "at a slow pace" the firefighter also said. Is God good or what. You see this training camp is a place Calvary Chapel's use for the Junior high and the Senior high retreats and other speaking spots as well. God protected it. You say "no God didn't protect it, it is just a coincidence". That is a straight up lie and you know it. However, there is some bad news in this. 7 of this pastor's staff lost their homes. You know continue to pray for the firefighters in this Southern California wildfire fever. Also alot of people in this pastor's fellowship lost their homes as well. The pastor Jeff Gill himself didn't lose his home, and he was fortunate, and blessed. But when he spoke at the church Jeff seemed really at peace in this situation. You know why the bible says "we can have peace that surpasses all understanding". Other miracles occured a lady lost her home from Jeff Gill's fellowship and guess what happened. She said "you know I am tired of the snow, maybe I will try Arizona". You see her husband died of cancer a few months ago. And even though she lost her material possessions, she didn't lose her spirit. When tragic things happen who do you cry out to? If you're an atheist, who do you cry out to? Yourself! That seems to be futile doesn't it. There still needs to be alot of cleaning needed to be done. Keep Jeff Gill and his staff in prayer as well all those who lost people in the fire. Email me at and and and and by. and

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Politics and religion 10-30

Hello all. Today all I am going to discuss with you is about the Book of Revelation. You know when you read about these things isn't it nice to know we "Christians" are going to heaven. There was a song sunday that I heard and in it was "when we've been there ten thouand years". When they sang those lyrics, I paused for a moment and just thought of that. You know 100 years in this crummy life is nothing compared to eternity. You also know that what happens in the book of revelation will happen very soon I believe. So if you are a christian don't be discouraged, but be encouraged. We are one day closer to Jesus Christ coming back. Imagine that one day closer. Also, remember this 10,000 years in eternity is a long time in the Lake of Fire. So if you are not born-again you will be in the Lake of Fire for a long time. Just do this multiply 100 trillion by 100 trillion. Imagine if I had 100 trillion dollars. Would I miss 100 dollars of that. No way. However, we in this life establish 100 years like it it 100 trillion years. We act like this is it. This is the life. Nope! The life to come is the life. And you will spend eternity either in Heaven or the Lake of Fire. 10,000 years from now. "when we've been there 10,000 years". Think of that, 10,000 years from now it will not matter how much money you made or how big your house was. Or what kind of car you drove in this life. It doesn't matter. You will either worship Jesus or be in the Lake of Fire with Satan and his demons. Your choice, and the Lake of Fire is not a party spot, it is a horribel place to go. Google 23 minutes in hell. There is a dvd there you may want to see on what hell is really like. Tomorrow, I will talk to you about the southern california wildfires and a pastor's story. by. and and and and by.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Politics and religion 10-29

Hello all. Well let's have 'equal access for all groups' except christians that is. In Virginia there was a pro-life club on a high school campus that some students wanted to form. The school denied them permission. In another state there was a group of christian students that wanted to form a club and were denied. Why? They would not allow people of other faiths into the club. In other words they didn't want the 'christian club' to open. First of all, let me explain a buddhist or a hindu or whatever is allowed to come and visit, but not be a part of leadership. You see they were discriminated upon, so the 9th circuit court said "well that is too bad" the school had the right to deny them permission. However, in the Islam clubs, they were not denied permission to have a club without 'christians' in them. Do you see what is going on here? This is 'open discrimination'. In public schools teachers are reading from a 'religious' book called a koran. However where is the ACLU, no where around. They are not screaming 'separation of church and state'. You see schools have the right to have what is called 'equal access' meaning you can't discriminate against anyone because of their political views or religious ones either. If I walk into an Islamic club I can't say "let's pray in Jesus name", just like a hindu can't pray in a christian club's meeting in whoever's name. Those are the rules, however, a group of judges say "no christians are different". Anyway some good news on the pro-life club they were granted the right to become a club when presented with a lawsuit that is. We should have 'equal access' at public schools and we do. These judges are a bunch of morons. This is why you need to vote for righteous leaders. If you don't you get these bozos who openly discriminate. Oh once again why isn't there any word from the mainstream media like ABC, CBS, NBC, KTLA, on this. I have not heard anything about this. Have you? Tomorrow I will talk about the Southern California wildfires. Http:// and and and and by.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Politics and religion 10-26

Hello all. More on the abortion debate. You see it is alot easier to sneak into legislation all kinds of crazy funding on abortion through the federal government. Here is the proof, look at how many americans are informed properly on abortion in the United States today. Not alot. But if abortion went to the states as a whole then all kinds of things would change. Some states would not have it, other states would keep it, but the money would come from state taxpaying dollars, and not federal taxpaying dollars. States have the right to have abortions,however, the american people should have a vote on it. Isn't it amazing how the critics criticized 'partial birth abortion' and it going away. Folks it time to wake up and smell the coffee. Now if a democrat wins in 09, check this out. There is legislation proposed that says that 'parental notifaction' laws could be overruled by the government. In other words 'if you a parent shut up pay your taxes, and don't say anything against what your child is learning'. In other countries that is called 'communism'. The democrats want to make the next generation into a bunch of tree-hugging environmental liberal gay-friendly tolerant people. This is why I hope Jesus comes back in the rapture. The rapture is when millions of people on earth disappear in a moment. The bible says "a twinkling of an eye". I hope that is soon. Under the AntiChrist, this liberal world will take the mark of the beast, and as a result get judged. Jesus is coming back soon. Be obedient, stand up for Him today. Well email me at and and and and by. See you Monday.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Politics and religion 10-25

Hello all. Check this out. I am going to continue on the 'abortion' debate today. Great movie coming out called "Bella" go see it. Or rent it. Anyway, check this out. In the United States alone we have allowed through the 'pro-choice' movement over 45 million babies to be executed. That is more than Hitler killed in World war 2. When will we learn as a nation. You see first comes babies, then comes the mentally retarded to be killed in our country, and the 'right to die' movement among seniors. Well as I have said earlier doctors in Holland and the Netherlands are killing people all over the place. People over there don't have any say if there family member is killed or not. You can't sue the doctor or the hospital. First comes babies, then the mentally retarded, why them you say? You see according to the critics they will never fit into general society anyway, so what the hay, Kill em! Also, with the Social Security, , and the medicare crisis approaching. (running out of money). Why not Kill the elderly too. They are retired. If they are dead, they won't be able to collect Social Security or Medicare. The point is this if you don't value life in the womb of a mother you won't value life outside of it either. Need proof look at our culture today. People today don't value life. I will talk about abortion tomorrow, and why most of it is federally funded, and not too much of your state money goes for it. Remember what I said "programs=$". The more people use the programs the more taxpaying dollars it takes to support it. I live in California, I know, I see the government waste all over the place. Remember if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama win, I will bet you a $1000 dollars that your taxes (especially you the middle-class) will go up. Remember what I said. Email me at and and and and by.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Politics and religion 10-24

Hello. Will abortion end? The answer is obvious. NO! You see the reason Democrats like federal taxpaying dollars to go for abortion is one simple reason. Less accountability. It is alot harder to track federal dollars than it is to track state dollars. Let me use an example, in Minnestoa, (I believe) they passed the state-run embroyonic stem cell research. It was a billion dollars I believe. Anyway, now the voters are starting to feel the pinch of the financial cost that this program is incurring. And they have heard that embryonic stem cell research is a failure. You say to me "how do you know" I will tell you how I know. Answer me this question if this research is so productive why is it that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are not investing in it. I will tell you why. If the taxpayers pay for it and it flops, has Buffett or Gates lost anything no. You the american taxpayer will pay the cost for a failed experiment put on by the Federal Government. Remember something that I keep saying 'programs=money'. Do you want your taxes raised in 09 vote for a democrat. If you want moderate tax increases here and there vote republican. By the way the middle-class always seem to get stuck with the highest tax bill of all people in the United States. Remember that when you vote. Email me at and and and by.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Politics and religion an interesting story 10-23

Hello all. Check this in Kansas of all places. They have laws concerning abortion. Many of you know about the 'ban on partial birth abortion' signed into law and ruled on by the Supeme Court. Well in Kansas there is an abortion clinic that was still doing abortions illegally. (mainly partial birth abortions) . Here is the sad part, the employees of the place are only being charged with 29 misdeamnors for murdering these babies. I thought if I murdered someone, I received life in prison for it. 29 misdeamnor counts of baby murder. How sad. This is a society that is depraved and reprobate. I was listening to John Macarthur, and he talked about how our society is so wicked. And how he believes the United States will be judged for its sins. Is he right? Yes. Not 29 counts of murder in the first degree or even manslaughter, but misdeamnor counts. Do you see how sad our culture is getting. Do not think you are off of the hook America,yet, check this out. Euthanasia is next. What is Euthanasia? It is the killing of old people who don't fit into our society. They do this in Holland and the Netherlands. Doctors have absolute power over there. They can't be sued for killing people for no apparent reason. Here in the United States we call the 'right to die'. Do you see the problem here. Well think twice before you decide to take your grandma to the hospital for chest pains. She may never leave, because the doctor may kill her. You see social Security is going to run out of money eventually in the United States. How are they going to fund these programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. They will make sure less people get on it that is how by killing them. How sad, America you were once great, oh how you have fallen. Repent today. Turn from your evil ways. 2 chronicles 7:14. Read that scripture. and and and and www. by.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Politics and religion 10-22

Hello all. There was something else about the Calvary Chapel Men's conference I also learned from Skip Heitzig, and that was most people have a God of Revelation or their imagination. Let's take a philophical test right now. What do most people worship? You say God of course. Which one? You see there are people who make their 'gods up' as they go along. Let me explain. A homosexual like my brother might say "Well I believe in the Good Lord" however, which 'LOrd' is he talking about. You see his 'Jesus' says no one especially anyone who is 'gay' is going to hell. My sister who is straight, is a liberal. Yet she goes to a church. I met these women in the church, they are lippy and bossy women. My brother believes in a 'god' of his imagination and not revelation. He has made up his mind to reject Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. How sad? how about you? Do you have a 'god' made up of imagination. You make it up as you go along. You say "the God I believe doesn't send anyone to Hell or the Lake of Fire" or "the God I believe in doesn't judge" well people if that is your God and your belief system. I feel so sorry for you, the bible says "God is holy, righteous, and a God of Justice", and on the final day you will stand before him, as his friend or his enemy. The choice is yours. It is too late when you die to repent. My brother doesn't believe that he will die and stand before God. He told me that. How sad. Which God do you believe in? Believe in Jesus Christ today? by. email me at and and and by.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Politics and religion 10-19 Heaven is the finish Line

Hello all. This is the last installment of what I learned at the calvary chapel Men's conference last Saturday. Heaven is the finish line. You know I try to be very politically involved, however, when it is all said and done. Heaven is the goal I want. And yes there are only 2 places heaven and hell, you see when a heathen/pagan unbeliever (a person who rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour) dies it is over for them. No hope. Only pain. You know what makes the Lake of Fire so bad. It is that there will not be any hope of ever leaving it. You see say you went to the Lake of Fire for 1 billion years, then all of a sudden you get a 1 year break from it. (I don't know you kick back in some coffee room for a year or so). Then you would have hope. The thing to the Lake of Fire is that there is no hope, meaning no rest ever. You heard me EVER! Also, it doesn't matter who you are, if you were famous or rich, or even poor. No one cares for you down there. How sad, but true. Can you imagine a wealthy person who had everything in this life, and in the Lake of Fire, no one cares for them. No one to serve them, no hope of ever leaving, just screaming and pain for all of eternity. (that is foreve by the way). No one has to go there, you have a choice, today, repent of your sins, receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and live for him no matter what happens. Live a obedient life to Him. Also, being a christian will not always be easy, this life will not be perfect. But the consequences of living for Christ will be worth it. Do that today. and and and and

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Politics and religion 10-18

Hello all. What else did I learn at the calvary Chapel men's conference. I learned about 'Holiness'. This is a word that in our culture and churches has been forgotten. Pastor Steve Mays said that 'we have lost the consciousness of God'. We have lost the fear of God as well. We in America don't fear the Almighty anymore. Is that true? Well let's see. 1.5 million babies are aborted and murdered which is a direct violation of the 10 commandments. When a society doesn't care for the 10 commandments that is a good sign that you are in trouble spiritually. Those 1.5 million aborted babies were victims of inconvenience, so, as a result of the pleasure God Molech, which is talked about in the Old Testament. Also, you have 'gay' people who are demanding rights, which is a sign of total depravity. Romans chapter one. Don't believe me research cultures that have become 'gay-friendly' read about their destruction. Could God use the 'homosexual movement' to show us christians who the 'true' believers are and who the false ones are. The ones who say they are 'christians' and are not. Well I don't know. If you don't fear God then you will fall for anything, get the 'fear of God' in your heart and life. It will dramatically change you. Do you know how 'revival' starts, it starts with a change in your life, a transforming of Christ's mind to your mind. As God changes you remember that. Ask God today to fill you with the proper "fear of GOd" today. Email me even if you disagree. and and and and by.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Politics and religion another day 10-16

Hello all. Well it is looming again on Wednesday the democrats are going to ask for the 'enda'. See other articles on this blog on what this is about. This bill claims to excuse 'religious organizations' such as churches, however, it looks like the law will not exclude churches that have schools in them. So your christian school will not be exempt. So they might have to hire a 'homosexual' for a teaching position if they apply. And of course 'christian businesses' which are for profit would not be exempt. What a country we live in, homosexuals get 'special rights' are protected, but christian rights are neglected. I am done, I am going to bankrupt the United States legally and financially to the best of my abilities. You see I am making a Dvd that will teach 'middle-class' americans how to save money on their taxes. I will let you know when that comes out. Anyway, pray, and ask your legislators to vote against the Enda. Email me at and and and and by.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Politics and religion 10-15 Power in Prayer

I went to a men's conference on Saturday that my church was a part of. I heard a guy speak on "power" and he said "men, you want power then learn how to pray". You know I can criticize both democrats and republicans alike but the real power is through prayer. Christians start to pray. When you pray you will see things happen. Pray abortions in the United States will stop, and pray that same-sex marriages don't go into law. Pray first, and yes still get involved. The speaker said "men, you want control of your household, pray". Become a person of prayer. Let me encourage you to pray for this nation, then get involved. God answers the prayers of the righteous, and not the unrighteous. Let's pray for this nation right now "Father we pray that we in this country would become a 2 Chronicles 7:14 nation again, if we don't repent Lord you will not heal our land, or our people, please heal our people today today in this country, and help us Lord to seek you out daily in Jesus Name Amen!". Continue to pray for this nation. Email me at and and and stay alert to the issues of our day. by. I will talk about how to help your wives this week. I learned alot about families this week at the Calvary Chapel Men's Conference. by.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Politics and religion 10-12

When will we learn? How much life do we have to destroy before learn some valuable lessons. First came 'abortion' now we have "embryonic stem-cell research" next it will be the 'right to die' plan. This plan is simple if you are elderly, and over 65 possibly. They will probaly kill you (even if you don't want to die). You see Social Security and Medicare are going to run out of money in 2015. I read this on Yahoo news. So you see you will have to die, because you are an financial nightmare to the government. You see in Holland and the Netherlands, they have given the doctors 'absolute power'. What do you mean? A doctor in Holland can execute someone for no apparent reason. You say this is America, not here. Well let's see in Oregon, the state there has the 'right to die' laws. No big protests happening there, how long before it hits the federal level like abortion did in the 1970's. You see if you don't respect life inside of the womb, you won't respect it outside of the womb either. Thus the increase in crime against humanity. If the government can't afford to financially support you, then guess what their philosphy is "you need to die somehow". Take care of your health as much as humanly possible so you will never have to go to the doctor in the emergency room, ever again. Then you will probaly not die. Remember God created you for a purpose, don't take your life. He does have a plan for you, please remember that. If you are not a christian, become one today. Hell is Hot, and so is the Lake of Fire. Please repent and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour today. Stay alert on all of the moral issues of the day. Stay healthy so you never need to see a doctor. and and and and by. Talk to you Monday.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Politics and religion 10-11 could it happen here?

Hello all. Something interesting is happening in England. The Parliament in England want to pass 'hate-crime' legislation that would mean anyone who speaks out against 'homosexuality' could face 7 years in prison. How long before that happens here in the United States. Some of are saying the current 'hate-crime' legislation in the United States has nothing to do with verbal speech. Not yet. In England this is how the law started out. It started out this way, "if anyone physcially attacks a person, because of their sexual orientation then that is a hate-crime" now if you say anything against the homosexual lifestyle you could face 7 years in prison. You see the folly of this legislation is that in the United States, there are only a few people who are attacked for their sexual orientation. The numbers are dramacatically small. One in 10,000. Now I don't advocate violence against anyone, but you have to admit those numbers are small. Remember the law starts out a certain way, then it gets changed. Here is what I believe is going to happen. If a democrat wins in 08. An 100% pro-gay curriculum will be put into our public schools, because some parents will object they need laws on the books like 'hate-crimes' legislation to intimidate those parents into not getting involved in the political process. Or to keep them from speaking out against this lifestyle. Also, they need to silence christians so they put the 'hate-crimes' on the books to silence churches and conservative pastors from speaking out against this lifestyle. After all you can' t have pastors who are voters speaking out against this, if you do, then you need to silence them. It starts out with one little thing on the books, then it turns into a nightmare, later on, because liberal judges just need a foothold. Once they have a foothold, they can expand the law as much as they want to. LISTEN TO ME CAREFULLY! IF YOU DON'T ENGAGE THE CULTURE THE CULTURE WILL ENGAGE YOU!. Remember that . Now you as a christian need to engage the culture, because it is engaging us. Your churches will be deserted in about 20 years because 'gays' don't go to church. Meaning there will be alot of propery available for sale in church property. Email me at and www.LATRAVELYTB.COM AND WWW.FRC.ORG AND WWW.CITIZENLINK.ORG AND WWW.AMERICANCONGRESSFORTRUTH.COM BY

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Politics and religion 10-10

Hello all. Well it is interesting to me how the government wants to waste your taxpayer money. Adult stem cell research has produced great results, however, Hillary Clinton is now saying if she is elected she will vote for 'embryonic stem cell research' and the funding of it. This research has not produced any results (medically speaking) and yet who is going to fund this. You the taxpayers, yes you. Well we now are destroying stem cell life. Next will be "euthanasia". That is the killing of the 'mentally retarded" and the elderly in our society. This is what Hitler did to the Jews during the World war 2. He said "Jews who were 40 or older were expendible". This country will say that 65 or older you are expendible. After all we can't pay for all of these people on social security. So they will say 'kill em'. Say goodbye to your grandpa now, because if the government has it's way they will kill your elderly family members. Don't believe me, they do the 'right to die' treatments in Holland and the Netherlands. Never believe me, believe my references. Doctors in Holland and the Netherlands have absolute power. If they want to kill you over there, and you are in the hospital. Guess what they just execute you. If "embryonic stem cells" are so beneficial. Then how come people like Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are not investing in them. Because if the research fails guess what Gates and Buffett are not out a dime, you and I, however are paying for it. Remember, (programs whether or not they work )= $. Who's money the middle class. There will be a raise in the 'marriage penalty tax' back to 1500 dollars if she is elected. Mark my words. Say hello to more government waste of taxpayer dollars if Hillary Clinton is elected. Well I am done for today. Email me at and and and

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Politics and religion 10-9

Hello all. I am glad to see some fight in America. 60% of all evangelical christians in the United States are united in opposing 'same-sex' marriage and abortions. Now here is the main point you need to vote. If you just say these things are important and don't do anything (as in vote). It is of no effect. Well the choice is yours. Someone once said "evil triumphs when good does nothing" do something in February of 08 and vote. Vote in November of 08 get out and vote. There are still some signs of life. Guillani will join the "Washington briefing" that Dr. James Dobson will be hosting. It is available for all of the opponents. I wonder why Hillary Clinton and Obama are not joining them? Hillary and Obama would not go on Fox news for cable. Wonder why? I mean they went on CNN, but not Fox News on Cable. Confusing maybe they are hiding something. You say NO! By the way 38 states now have 'absentee ballots' which means you can vote by mail. If you can not make it to the polls, vote by mail. No more excuses. VOTE. Well email me at and and and and by.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Politics and religion 10-7

Hello all. I was wondering something today, and it was about God. What if you are wrong? Let me explain. You see there are people who say they believe in 'Jesus', however, which one I wonder. You see we 'claim' to be a christian nation. If we are a christian nation then why do we have 'abortion on demand' and the vast approaching 'gay marriage' stuff going on. I am asking where are the 'christians'. During the recall of Gray Davis in the early part of the millennium, I heard about an interview with Dr. James Kennedy, and he said the weirdest thing. He said 'where are the christians' it seems in California we have a bunch of spineless 'believers' who don't want to get involved in anything concerning the political realm. Let me tell you guys something who disagree with me right now, in about 20 years your small little churches will be closed. Why? because, you did not 'engage the culture' you see alot of professors out there are teaching your children the 'religion' of evolution. Yes it is a 'religion' and as a result you will see all these kids who don't desire God or Jesus, why, because 'evolution' teaches them that they are 'GOd'. If you don't believe in the right 'Jesus' you will spend eternity in the 'lake of fire'. How sad, but true nonetheless. Get involved in the political process, because if you don't, our nation will look like London, England and Europe. Which is totally godless, which means your church will be like the old churches in England. EMPTY! You heard me empty. Listen carefully we have all these political candidates running for President of the United States. Vote for the one that says I will bring back "Godly values" back to the classroom. It isn't impossible if you vote for a 'Godly' candidate. Michael Huckabee will bring back "Godly values' none of the other candidates are for that. Not Mccain, not Hillary Clinton, not Obama, by the way "OBama is a Muslim" he was sworn into the Columbia Law School (as President) on a Koran. DOn't believe me check the record. You make the choice, the economy will be horrible under a 'democrat' it will be just a tad better under a 'republican'. If you are a 'christian' vote for a pro-life candidate as well a candidate that is opposed to 'gay marriage'. Put your faith into your politics, if you don't 'engage the culture' now when will you. I doubt your ever will, stay informed on the issues, through Links, Like and and and and if you don't one day your church doors will close, and you will remember what I said. Islam is on the horizon in the United States, through 'hate-crimes' legislation, and 'gay marriage' will happen if you don't get involved. Take your faith with you to the polls. If you don't the muslims will not respect your faith, and insist on 'tolerance in the public schools'. Islam is already starting in our 'separation of church and state schools'. The democrats are for 'gay marriage' and for 'abortion on demand' as well as heavier taxes. Well. Bye. Http:// by.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Politics and religion 10-5

Hello all. Well it is still lingering the ENDA. The 'employment non-discrimination act'. Their is some good news to this they have removed from the bill the part 'protecting transvesities' and 'transgender' people. They feel it may not pass through the and They still are working on the language protecting churches and other businesses. This bill is bad. It basically says 'if you don't hire a homosexual' you will face huge lawsuits. By the way how come you have not heard about it from the mainstream media. They have not reported it to the American people. Here is the problem with the bill any business with 10 or more people (whether they are christian or not) that means your small business included. Could get sued. Non-christian businesses are not exempt from. So can you imagine the non-christian businesses being forced to hire homosexuals. What about this. What if you fire one? Imagine the lawsuits there too. Don't think that will be too foolish. It will not be. What if a 'gay' guy steals from your register how do you fire him? If you fire him he will sue you. Interesting dilemma. You have been warned the next president will sign this into law. If it is Hillary Clinton or OBama. Well email me at and and and and by.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Politics and religion 10-4 defunding planned parenthood

Their is some good news on the pro-life front today. According to 5 planned parenthood clinics are going to close in Michigan. Why, because of lack of funds. For those of you that do not know, federal taxpaying dollars goes to pay for abortions all across this country. They receive something like 200- 300 million dollars a year. Here is how you defund 'planned parenthood' you don't give them any business. You teach your children that sex before marriage is wrong. That abstinence is Ok. Here is why. Tell your children that a person who doesn't fool around will not catch a disease. If you stay out of the jungle you will have less of a risk catching a funky disease. Name on person you know who has caught a disease by being 'abstinent'. Name someone you know who has a disease that wasn't 'abstinent' the choice is yours. No one catches a disease unless they are sexualy active (unless they are raped). By the way of 4 out of every 100 people in The United States has a sexually transmitted disease. Just in case you did not know that. The key is not the government to get involved it is for parents to teach their children that sex before marriage is wrong. That is it. The choice is now yours. and and and stay informed on the issues.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Politics and religion 10-3

Hello all. Well some of you are wondering why President Bush veteod the children's health expansion bill. He sounds like a really bad guy right now. Here is what ABC,CBS, and all the other mainstream media groups are not telling you. So listen carefully. It would have raised taxes on cigarettes as you know it to expand the children's health care. However, it also would have changed a the rules of pro-life legislation as we know it. Here is what the mainstream media is not telling you. They are not telling you that a provision was added that said 'a baby is not a person' and this would have opened up the doors for more state-funded abortions. They would have (the states) would have received more money from this to do more abortions. THis language in this bill would have changed the language of what a "baby is". President Bush said he would veto this bill if it had this pro-choice legislation in it. The demcrats would not take it out so President Bush had to veto it or sign it. Here is what you are not hearing from the mainstream media, and the politicians. Well America I am noticing how stupid we really are. Listen to Fox news channel on Cable for this story. Listen to the whole story, not half of the story. Listen to Fox news on cable for moderate news,not liberal or conservative, but fair news stories. They are not liberal, or conservative, they are fair. For example, ask the democrats why they won't appear on Fox news on cable to do a debate. They refused when asked about it. Why did they refuse? Because the american people would listen and vote carefully as a result. Well by. Email me at and and and and

Monday, October 1, 2007

Politics and religion 10-1 Check this out

Hello all. Well did you hear the news a democrat in Michigan (one man) is trying to propose a 50 cents increase per gallon of gasoline. Don't believe look it up. On they have the story. Here is the story Mr. Dingell (a democrat from michigan probaly in a comfortable area of voting power) has proposed the following: #1- a 50 cent per gallon increase on all gasoline. (ouch that will hurt) #2- a reduction of the home mortgage interest deduction in the following percentages-- 4200 square feet or more no deduction-- 3400-3599 square feet-- 55% deduction only-- 3200-3399 square feet -- 70% deduction-- and 3000-3199 square feet 85% deduction. The numbers between 4199 to 3600 the numbers reduce their too. I told you! I told you! I said if the democrats win control of both houses this would happen. All of you democrats who own all of these properties over 4200 feet (good). Programs=money remember that. Email your local congressman at and tell them not to vote for this. The money will go to universal health care (supposedly) if a democrat wins in 08 expect alot more taxes like this to happen alot more often. If you think it is bad now wait till a democrat takes over. So if you own a house in these categories email your congressperson or senator. This will hurt you the middle class just by the fact that your boss may ship your jobs overseas to cut costs. If they can't do that well they just won't give you a raise at all. Need a tax break open a small business at Http:// and . I told you so. Vote republican! If you don't you will see alot more taxes like this on the horizon, and when they happen, guess what you will have to pay them. Vote Republican. Programs like UNiversal Health Care cost money, and they have to get the money from somewhere. and and and where I find out about these news stories. At the FRank Pastore show link on well bye remember how you vote matters. If you want more money in your pocket Vote Republican. If not vote Democrat.