Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Politics and religion 10-3

Hello all. Well some of you are wondering why President Bush veteod the children's health expansion bill. He sounds like a really bad guy right now. Here is what ABC,CBS, and all the other mainstream media groups are not telling you. So listen carefully. It would have raised taxes on cigarettes as you know it to expand the children's health care. However, it also would have changed a the rules of pro-life legislation as we know it. Here is what the mainstream media is not telling you. They are not telling you that a provision was added that said 'a baby is not a person' and this would have opened up the doors for more state-funded abortions. They would have (the states) would have received more money from this to do more abortions. THis language in this bill would have changed the language of what a "baby is". President Bush said he would veto this bill if it had this pro-choice legislation in it. The demcrats would not take it out so President Bush had to veto it or sign it. Here is what you are not hearing from the mainstream media, and the politicians. Well America I am noticing how stupid we really are. Listen to Fox news channel on Cable for this story. Listen to the whole story, not half of the story. Listen to Fox news on cable for moderate news,not liberal or conservative, but fair news stories. They are not liberal, or conservative, they are fair. For example, ask the democrats why they won't appear on Fox news on cable to do a debate. They refused when asked about it. Why did they refuse? Because the american people would listen and vote carefully as a result. Well by. Email me at and and and and

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