Thursday, October 11, 2007

Politics and religion 10-11 could it happen here?

Hello all. Something interesting is happening in England. The Parliament in England want to pass 'hate-crime' legislation that would mean anyone who speaks out against 'homosexuality' could face 7 years in prison. How long before that happens here in the United States. Some of are saying the current 'hate-crime' legislation in the United States has nothing to do with verbal speech. Not yet. In England this is how the law started out. It started out this way, "if anyone physcially attacks a person, because of their sexual orientation then that is a hate-crime" now if you say anything against the homosexual lifestyle you could face 7 years in prison. You see the folly of this legislation is that in the United States, there are only a few people who are attacked for their sexual orientation. The numbers are dramacatically small. One in 10,000. Now I don't advocate violence against anyone, but you have to admit those numbers are small. Remember the law starts out a certain way, then it gets changed. Here is what I believe is going to happen. If a democrat wins in 08. An 100% pro-gay curriculum will be put into our public schools, because some parents will object they need laws on the books like 'hate-crimes' legislation to intimidate those parents into not getting involved in the political process. Or to keep them from speaking out against this lifestyle. Also, they need to silence christians so they put the 'hate-crimes' on the books to silence churches and conservative pastors from speaking out against this lifestyle. After all you can' t have pastors who are voters speaking out against this, if you do, then you need to silence them. It starts out with one little thing on the books, then it turns into a nightmare, later on, because liberal judges just need a foothold. Once they have a foothold, they can expand the law as much as they want to. LISTEN TO ME CAREFULLY! IF YOU DON'T ENGAGE THE CULTURE THE CULTURE WILL ENGAGE YOU!. Remember that . Now you as a christian need to engage the culture, because it is engaging us. Your churches will be deserted in about 20 years because 'gays' don't go to church. Meaning there will be alot of propery available for sale in church property. Email me at and www.LATRAVELYTB.COM AND WWW.FRC.ORG AND WWW.CITIZENLINK.ORG AND WWW.AMERICANCONGRESSFORTRUTH.COM BY

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