Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Politics and religion an interesting story 10-23

Hello all. Check this in Kansas of all places. They have laws concerning abortion. Many of you know about the 'ban on partial birth abortion' signed into law and ruled on by the Supeme Court. Well in Kansas there is an abortion clinic that was still doing abortions illegally. (mainly partial birth abortions) . Here is the sad part, the employees of the place are only being charged with 29 misdeamnors for murdering these babies. I thought if I murdered someone, I received life in prison for it. 29 misdeamnor counts of baby murder. How sad. This is a society that is depraved and reprobate. I was listening to John Macarthur, and he talked about how our society is so wicked. And how he believes the United States will be judged for its sins. Is he right? Yes. Not 29 counts of murder in the first degree or even manslaughter, but misdeamnor counts. Do you see how sad our culture is getting. Do not think you are off of the hook America,yet, check this out. Euthanasia is next. What is Euthanasia? It is the killing of old people who don't fit into our society. They do this in Holland and the Netherlands. Doctors have absolute power over there. They can't be sued for killing people for no apparent reason. Here in the United States we call the 'right to die'. Do you see the problem here. Well think twice before you decide to take your grandma to the hospital for chest pains. She may never leave, because the doctor may kill her. You see social Security is going to run out of money eventually in the United States. How are they going to fund these programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. They will make sure less people get on it that is how by killing them. How sad, America you were once great, oh how you have fallen. Repent today. Turn from your evil ways. 2 chronicles 7:14. Read that scripture. www.Latravelytb.com and www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com and www.frc.org and www.citizenlink.org and www. americancongressfortruth.com by.

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