Thursday, October 25, 2007

Politics and religion 10-25

Hello all. Check this out. I am going to continue on the 'abortion' debate today. Great movie coming out called "Bella" go see it. Or rent it. Anyway, check this out. In the United States alone we have allowed through the 'pro-choice' movement over 45 million babies to be executed. That is more than Hitler killed in World war 2. When will we learn as a nation. You see first comes babies, then comes the mentally retarded to be killed in our country, and the 'right to die' movement among seniors. Well as I have said earlier doctors in Holland and the Netherlands are killing people all over the place. People over there don't have any say if there family member is killed or not. You can't sue the doctor or the hospital. First comes babies, then the mentally retarded, why them you say? You see according to the critics they will never fit into general society anyway, so what the hay, Kill em! Also, with the Social Security, , and the medicare crisis approaching. (running out of money). Why not Kill the elderly too. They are retired. If they are dead, they won't be able to collect Social Security or Medicare. The point is this if you don't value life in the womb of a mother you won't value life outside of it either. Need proof look at our culture today. People today don't value life. I will talk about abortion tomorrow, and why most of it is federally funded, and not too much of your state money goes for it. Remember what I said "programs=$". The more people use the programs the more taxpaying dollars it takes to support it. I live in California, I know, I see the government waste all over the place. Remember if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama win, I will bet you a $1000 dollars that your taxes (especially you the middle-class) will go up. Remember what I said. Email me at and and and and by.

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