Monday, October 29, 2007

Politics and religion 10-29

Hello all. Well let's have 'equal access for all groups' except christians that is. In Virginia there was a pro-life club on a high school campus that some students wanted to form. The school denied them permission. In another state there was a group of christian students that wanted to form a club and were denied. Why? They would not allow people of other faiths into the club. In other words they didn't want the 'christian club' to open. First of all, let me explain a buddhist or a hindu or whatever is allowed to come and visit, but not be a part of leadership. You see they were discriminated upon, so the 9th circuit court said "well that is too bad" the school had the right to deny them permission. However, in the Islam clubs, they were not denied permission to have a club without 'christians' in them. Do you see what is going on here? This is 'open discrimination'. In public schools teachers are reading from a 'religious' book called a koran. However where is the ACLU, no where around. They are not screaming 'separation of church and state'. You see schools have the right to have what is called 'equal access' meaning you can't discriminate against anyone because of their political views or religious ones either. If I walk into an Islamic club I can't say "let's pray in Jesus name", just like a hindu can't pray in a christian club's meeting in whoever's name. Those are the rules, however, a group of judges say "no christians are different". Anyway some good news on the pro-life club they were granted the right to become a club when presented with a lawsuit that is. We should have 'equal access' at public schools and we do. These judges are a bunch of morons. This is why you need to vote for righteous leaders. If you don't you get these bozos who openly discriminate. Oh once again why isn't there any word from the mainstream media like ABC, CBS, NBC, KTLA, on this. I have not heard anything about this. Have you? Tomorrow I will talk about the Southern California wildfires. Http:// and and and and by.

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