Friday, September 21, 2007

Politics and religion where is God in this?

Hello all. My commentary today is very simple. How can we expect God to bless this nation if we forsake his commandments. In 1999,when the Columbine shootings happened a few people prayed, but some of the people at the memorial services who were with the pastor presiding over the service were politicians like Al Gore, and a few other democrats up there. The liberals like Al Gore are not for God in the classrooms of the United States. This is kind of confusing to me, you want God to bless America, but you will not post his Ten Commandments in the classrooms of AMerica. Well the bible also says"you will reap what you sow" so the kids who shot those students did not know the Ten Commandments or want to obey them. If you want to put the ten commandments back in school, kick the liberals out of it, and put Judges on the bench, in both the federal and state level to say "hey we want the 10 commandments back in the United States. So Al Gore being up there was a joke. By the way one of the 10 commandments is "don't murder". So maybe if the child who did all of the shooting in that tragic incident had read those, then those students would not have been killed. You get what you vote for. In the next election if Hillary or Obama win, you will get a pro-gay curriculum launched into the public school system at a massive rate. I suspect there will be more "columbines" in the future, and more. Email me at and and and and

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