Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-4

Hello. Alot has happened over the Labor Day weekend. I won't go through all of the details today. However, it looks like the my hotel in downtown Los Angeles is going to be sold along with 9 others in the area. This is the dramatic irony to this idea. They are kicking people out of these hotels to put in more destitute and impoverished people. Some of you are saying 'that is great'. Where do the people who are being legally evicted going to go too. Housing is expensive. This is a politicial move on the Los Angeles Mayor's part to say 'look I cleaned up skid row',now I am not opposed to cleaning up skid row. But to kick people out with no where to go *(potentially) and then put a bunch of homeless people into these new sro hotels does not make sense. There is a statement that goes like this "always follow the money trail" yet Villagroisa claims to be an advocate for L.A.'s poor yet he pulls a stunt like this. I hope this guy loses in his next election for mayor. He claims to fight for change and yet he doesn't fight for the little guy. email me at http://www.latravelytb.com and www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com and www.frc.org and www.citizenlink.org

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