Wednesday, September 19, 2007

politcs and religion 9-19

Hello all. Maryland residents are celebrating, but for how long? Maryland residents are celebrating the fact a judge upheld a ban on same-sex marriage today. However, is it really over. Let me explain if a liberal federal judge decides one day that same-sex marriage is legal in the United States, what will happen next. If a liberal judge decides that all of the defense of marriage acts enacted by voters is unconstiutional what will happen. All of the people's votes will be useless. You know I never thought of a day in the United States when we would be fighting for the right of marriage (and the protection of marriage). Did you ever think a day like this would ever come in the U.S. I never did. Well that's life. If you are a christian it is time to wake up, and smell the roses. The culture war is upon us. Homosexuals want to teach your children that it is ok to be gay. When science dictates differently. So in order to protect themselves they want to put laws on the books like "hate crimes", and the 'employment non-discrimination act 'which says that religious organizations which are not 'religious' enough have to hire gay folks. Who determines who is 'religious' enough. The courts. Do you think you will get justice there. Doubtful. If you are a christian get involved in the culture. A quote " if you don't engage the culture, the culture will engage you", and by the way your churches will then be abandoned like in Europe. Think about that one. by and and and and

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