Sunday, September 30, 2007
Politics and religion 9-30
Happy Sunday I wish for all of you. Hello. My pastor gave a real good message today on suffering. You see my pastor has been through alot of operations (medical) in the past 5 years. I nickname him the "bionic man" anyway, if you are a christian, you will suffer. It is a normal part of life. The bible says 'that it rains on the just and the unjust'. If you are a christian you can know that God is for you and not against you, and you also know that you have peace in the midst of the most horrible times. We see that in the book of Job in the bible. Keep the faith, don't give up. God loves us despite our shortcomings. And He wants to make you more like Christ everyday. Remember that. Email me at Http:// and by
Friday, September 28, 2007
Politics and religion 9-28
Tolerance. This is a word we all know well, but does it work. Let me answer that. In 'tolerance' you are not supposed to force your beliefs or views on others. At least that is how I understand it. Well check out this new law. The Employment non-discrimination act. The law 'supposedly' excludes churches from having to hire 'homosexuals', however, the law also states that the government has to right to determine in this new law who is 'religious enough'. If you have a church you are probaly safe, however, if you have a church with a christian school in it, You may have to hire a homosexual. Or a nursery, or a christian bookstore, etc. That may be deemed not 'religous enough' or you are a school Like Biola or Azusa Pacific Univerisity and you have to hire a homosexual. I thought 'tolerance' was accepting other people's beliefs even if you disagree with them. Well why are they now not being 'tolerant' of christian beliefs, because they don't want that. That's why? In the name of 'tolerance' Hitler killed Jews. He didn't respect their beliefs,he killed them. Folks I have a sensing feeling that people who disagree with the sin of 'homosexuality' will one day be killed. Well email me if you disagree with this. Http:// and and and and by
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Politcs and religion check this out
The Hate-crimes Legislation is before us again. In every state we have 'hate-crime' laws if you kill someone because of their race you get additonial time. If you beat someone up, because they are black or Jewish, you get jail time. So why do we need this. Oh to criminalize what christians say that is why. Let me explain, the liberals need a way to penalize free speech. You see since 1988 we have been winning. Through the 'right of free speech' pastors have been saying that 'homosexuality is a sin' and we have seen in our culture, the results of this 'alternative lifestyle'. Now with the internet out we can simply get a email telling our politicians how we feel on certain issues that we oppose. Do you know how many people a congressperson will count as an opinion and maybe change their viewpoint on a measure. 100, you heard me 100 people. Check this out. Makes me wonder what the next democratic president has in store for the 'christians' in this country. Email you senators and tell them to vote no on the hate-crimes legislation. for your local federal senator. Protect free speech in the United States. If you don't this legislation will send more jobs overseas, and America could see God'd judgment as a result of this. Hate-crimes are wrong, however, forcing someone to not say something is even worse. By the way ask your elected officials for information on 'hate-crimes' the numbers are really low. I don't advocate 'hate-crimes' by the way. Something like 1000 this year. Protect 'free speech'. Http:// and and and and
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Politics and religion 9-26
Hello all. Check this out. My friend's dad recently passed away. He was 84. Here is what is so strange, I believe if you have been in America your whole life. The federal government should pay for your healthcare when you are 65 or older. Does that sound cool or what. He had "secure horizons" for his health care system. But why should he have had to pay for any of it at all. He paid taxes. Maybe, because we want to throw our elderly away. "Oh we used you" says the government, now go pay your own bills. I believe in the healthcare reform system we need to include the elderly in the process. In other words "no secure horizons" no 'blue cross' no 'kaiser permanete'. This guy paid his fair share of taxes. They should pass a law that states if you have paid taxes in this country for more than 20 years, when you turn 65, you should have free healthcare for the rest of your life. Why should we place a burden on our children to take care of us? Well email me at Http:// and Http:// and and and by.
Monday, September 24, 2007
politics and religion 9-24
Hello all. I hope and trust you had a good weekend. What do we have to look forward to in 2008 if a democrat wins. Watch this. Higher taxes, more government programs, etc. If you are reading this and thinking why am I the way I am. I will tell you why. I live in California where taxation is heavy, extremely heavy, anyway. Crime is high here, people are sleeping on the streets in heavy amounts, foreclosures are going through the roof here. But taxes remain high. Here is the common statement that people say "If we had more programs, more people would be helped". Here in California we have all kinds of government programs, and the people are not being helped. I fear this will happen to the rest of the nation if a democrat wins with a democratic majority in both houses. All kinds of government money being wasted that could go into your pockets, for what "wasted programs". Also listen to me on celebrities and billionaires who support the democrats. They have tax loopholes do you? So if they have tax loopholes and shelters that both democrats and republicans support. Who do you think is going to pay all of these extra taxes, you the middle-class. Yes you. In California, the only jobs we have here that pay a decent wage are union jobs. Most of them are government jobs. Union leaders here have alot of power. Government jobs=higher taxes. In this state they have proposed a diaper tax. A tax on diapers for families that work hard. Thank goodness that it did not pass. You see someone has to pay for all of the programs out there. If you want that to be you vote democrat in 2008, if you don't want that to be you vote republican in 2008. The choice is now yours. The ball is in your court now. I am not the biggest fan of either party right now, but the republicans are just a tad (not alot) but a tad better on taxes than democrats. Here are the taxes that you have to look forward to, guaranteed if a democrat wins, the marriage-penalty tax, which will cost every married american between 1000-2000 dollars a year. Higher income taxes on the married couples, lowering of the standard deduction for children to couples all across the United States. It used to be 5000 dollars now it is lower than that, because democrats took control of both houses. I think it is 2000 dollars. Don't listen to the celebrities they have tax loopholes and shelters as well. Will Brad Pitt pay your mortgage payment or Robert Deniro or Ben Affleck? Well will they? Ask Bill Gates sr to pay your gas bill he is rich. (he is a liberal democrat). Well do you see the point. Unless you have all the money in the world to pay your taxes vote republican in 2008. Do it for yourself and your family. Well thanks for reading. Email me at and Http:// and and and stay alert to what is happening in the United States on all of the social issues.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Politics and religion where is God in this?
Hello all. My commentary today is very simple. How can we expect God to bless this nation if we forsake his commandments. In 1999,when the Columbine shootings happened a few people prayed, but some of the people at the memorial services who were with the pastor presiding over the service were politicians like Al Gore, and a few other democrats up there. The liberals like Al Gore are not for God in the classrooms of the United States. This is kind of confusing to me, you want God to bless America, but you will not post his Ten Commandments in the classrooms of AMerica. Well the bible also says"you will reap what you sow" so the kids who shot those students did not know the Ten Commandments or want to obey them. If you want to put the ten commandments back in school, kick the liberals out of it, and put Judges on the bench, in both the federal and state level to say "hey we want the 10 commandments back in the United States. So Al Gore being up there was a joke. By the way one of the 10 commandments is "don't murder". So maybe if the child who did all of the shooting in that tragic incident had read those, then those students would not have been killed. You get what you vote for. In the next election if Hillary or Obama win, you will get a pro-gay curriculum launched into the public school system at a massive rate. I suspect there will be more "columbines" in the future, and more. Email me at and and and and
Thursday, September 20, 2007
politics and religion 9-20
Hello all. What is wrong with this country? Hillary and her" healthcare choices". Look I admit the healthcare system is flawed in this country, but this has gone to an extreme. In Massachusetts, where they have this type of healthcare it has caused alot of jobs to leave there. It has caused massive layoffs. It has caused alot of problems. First, there was welfare, and food stamps, then there was section 8 (government pays for your housing) now there is mandatory healthcare. Look to be competitive in this country we need an edge, and this is not it. Remember I said "programs=money", well here is your proof. Hillary says it will only cost 110 billion dollars. For 47 million people that is about 2340 dollars a person. That is not going to be enough to cover most people's doctor's bills. This is not the solution. What happens if a person has 10,000 dollars in bills. Who will pay for that. You or me (the taxpayer) in the book "the rise and fall of the roman empire" one of the many reasons that Rome was brought down was the fact 'too many people dependent on the system" it collapsed. When businesses leave to go to other countries, and businesses leave to look for more automated technological advances. Then maybe America will learn its lesson. When you get sick and tired of paying too much in taxes, email me. I have a way of saving alot of money on your taxes. This healthcare system is bad for America. Our government is going to collapse from the people's dependence on the government system. Email me at Http:// and and and and by
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
politcs and religion 9-19
Hello all. Maryland residents are celebrating, but for how long? Maryland residents are celebrating the fact a judge upheld a ban on same-sex marriage today. However, is it really over. Let me explain if a liberal federal judge decides one day that same-sex marriage is legal in the United States, what will happen next. If a liberal judge decides that all of the defense of marriage acts enacted by voters is unconstiutional what will happen. All of the people's votes will be useless. You know I never thought of a day in the United States when we would be fighting for the right of marriage (and the protection of marriage). Did you ever think a day like this would ever come in the U.S. I never did. Well that's life. If you are a christian it is time to wake up, and smell the roses. The culture war is upon us. Homosexuals want to teach your children that it is ok to be gay. When science dictates differently. So in order to protect themselves they want to put laws on the books like "hate crimes", and the 'employment non-discrimination act 'which says that religious organizations which are not 'religious' enough have to hire gay folks. Who determines who is 'religious' enough. The courts. Do you think you will get justice there. Doubtful. If you are a christian get involved in the culture. A quote " if you don't engage the culture, the culture will engage you", and by the way your churches will then be abandoned like in Europe. Think about that one. by and and and and
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
politics and religion 9-18
Hello all. I watched a dvd on London, England recently, and it was amazing too me the comparison to the United States. Let me explain. The guy who interviewed the english people said to them "what is your favorite detergent?" and then he asked another question. Then he said the name "Jesus" to them, and some of them had a shocked look on their face. I think about America will that be us one day?. You say the name of Jesus and people laugh and mock you. Well if you look around today that is the way it looks like the path America is going down. You know billy Graham once said "if GOd doesn't judge America he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gommorrhea". That statement is so true. London is very secular, and very Muslim. I wonder if that happens here what will happen to your churches. Oh I know they will look like the churches in England, vacant and empty. These big cathederals where people like Spurgeon, and other famous preachers taught are now ghost churches. Well when America completely becomes secular and godless, then the judgment of Christ will come. The book of Revelation will still come to pass, remember that, if you don't believe that it doesn't matter, because it will happen. So America repent while you can, because if you don't. Amercia is not spoken of in the bible, 1 of 3 things could have happened. #1-american repented, #2-america is destroyed, because we have judgment coming, and don't think we don't we tolerate Abortion everyday in this country , and "Christians" and I say that name loosely don't do anything about it. #3- the U.S. could be a by-word among the other nations, what does that mean. People say the name "AMerica" and they say it was a great country at one time, now it is just another country. We could also be destroyed economically. If that happens don't be surprised. Email me at and and and by.
Monday, September 17, 2007
politcs and religion 9-17
Hello all. Over the weekend I learned of a disturbing bill. It is called the Enda--the Employment non-discrimination act. This bill supposedly states that religious organizations, such as churches, etc are immune from it. However, the way the bill is written, the courts determine if your religious organization is "religious enough". In other words, conservative organizations that are pro-life, and outspoken, get not enough status for the law. Other liberal churches whom a homosexual may seek to sue will all of a sudden be "religious" enough. The bill says you cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity. In other words you have to hire a homosexual if they come in and apply for a job. There is a way around this though, all you do is hire the homosexual and pay everyone minimum wage on staff, including the gay person, and that is it. Give everyone bonuses to accomodate for the difference in their salary, except the gay person, and guess what,he won't want the job. The same with health benefits, offer them only to the person working for you, and not their family members as such. And give them them the difference for their family members to buy insurance in cash (this part could be a little bit expensive), and also do performance checks on all of the employees. If the gay employee does not get an 'excellent' on his performance sheet, guess what no bonus. Sorry homo, you ain't got nothing coming. If the financial incentives are not their ,they will not apply for the job. These are all good ideas for your non-profit organizations if you can use them do it. Email me Http:// and and and thanks. by.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
politcs and religion 9-16
Hello all. Well I hope you are having a blessed Sunday afternoon. The madness of this bill is sorry. The governor Of California Arnold Schwarenngger signed a bill into law on Tuesday, September 11, 2007. Here is the bill. A person who has Aids, Syphillis, and Hiv can now donate blood. The claim is gay men should be treated equally and be allowed to donate blood, despite who receives it. So if your little baby needs blood guess who could receive it? You there buddy. The good news is this will create a bunch of lawsuits for the hospitals to pay out alot of money. Which means you will see people get sick,however, they will make alot of money. This is a death sentence to anyone donating blood in the State of California. You had better hope you don't get some guy pissed off at life, and decided to kill people, because he/she is dying of a STD, all they have to do is lie, and say "I don't have any diseases", be careful if you receive blood. It could kill you literally. Well that is all for today. Don't believe me ab or sb 443 on california books now. Http:// and and and by.
Friday, September 14, 2007
politics and religion 9-14
Hello. Check this out President Bush has done it again (this is a good thing). He vetoed some legislation that helps provide abortions overseas. Now here is what I don't understand ,we the american taxpayers are paying not just for the United States abortions. By the way you do fund taxpaying abortions everyday when you pay your taxes, cause organizations like Planned Parenthood and others get 600 million dollars to provide abortions. Well Bush veteod some pro-choice legislation that would have funded China's abortion program over there. 34 Million to be exact. So here is a guy most americans hate why? Because he wants to keep taxes low. Well like I will say again "programs=money" when Hillary or Barack take office , you the american people will get what you voted for, and that is higher taxes, especially you middle-class americans. You see John Kerry defined a rich person in the United States as a person or married couple who make 90,000 dollars a year or more. I wonder if Hillary or Barack have that attitude. If Hillary or Barack win I wonder if they will raise taxes like John Kerry said he would (2 trillion dollars) to be exact. Those people who make 90,000 or more a year will pay the 'marriage penalty tax' which Bush removed. This cost americans under Bill Clinton who signed the law, 1500 dollars a year ,no matter your income class. Republicans are just a tad better on taxes, not a whole lot, but just a tad. Well remember what I said "programs=money" I wonder how much money are you willing to pay out. Well email me at Http:// and
amd and or .org by.
amd and or .org by.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
politics and religion 9-13
Well what is new. The U.S. Congress is trying to pass a bill called the "employment non-discrimination" act which basically says that christian bookstores will have to hire homosexuals, and potentially christian radio stations, etc. You see the liberals are scared of us ,the christian people, expressing our views to our elected officials. You see with the power of email you can send a message in a short period of time. No letters to mail or phone calls to make, etc. They claim the bill excludes religious non-profit organization, however, it doesn't say if that church has a day-care center, or a christian bookstore, that they can discriminate it only says "churches". So what does this mean, simple if you are hiring in your christian bookstore for a position as a cashier, and you don't hire a homosexual for that job. He can sue. You see we as christians are winning so they are scared. By the way, don't worry about "free speech" anymore, because here is how you avoid being intimidated. I am not a "grassroots" organization or anything like that. I am not subject to any laws that non-profits are subject too. So How do you do this. You go to and open up a free blog, and then you do what I do and that is stay up on the issues, and tell people how to contact their congressperson and senator. and like that. Then people read your blogs and contact their elected officials and TEll them how to vote on the issues at hand. How do you find out the information you stay alert by or call them directly and or call them directly, then you ask them to tell you what is going on, then as they do that guess what happens. People read your blogs and as a result and you guess what have helped to shape your culture. Well email me at. and Http://
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
politics and religion 9-12
Hello all. Well check this out if you thought food prices were high now, wait till you hear this. Our government pays farmers in the United States to not only produce food, but to destroy it. Let me explain the U.S. Congress just passed a measure that would give farmers and dairy producers 250 billion dollars. You heard me right 250 billion dollars in subsidies. This was a bipartisan effort. Shame on both parties for this. In Northern California there is a farmer that is paid not to produce milk. Sometimes he is paid 1.4 million dollars for this. Therea are people starving in the world and we pay people to destroy cows and not produce milk. You see grocery stores need an excuse to raise your prices and raise their revunues. How sad well. Next time you vote remember this when you vote the democratly controlled congress and Senate is taking money away from you pockets to hurt you. Once again why is there no word from the mainstream media like CBS, NBC, and ABC on this. Your news programs are very slanted on this. Take action ask both houses to not pass anymore subsidies for anyone. ANYONE! Well bye. Tomorrow there will a story about abortion on this blog. Thanks for reading by. Http:// and and and and
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Politics and religion 9-11
Hello all. Well this is the anniversary of the september 11 attacks that happened 6 years ago by radical muslim militants. Today's commentary is on terrorism. If some of you think these attacks are done, they are not. Look at London, England a couple of years ago when the radical muslims blew up one of their train stations. By the way how come in the mainstream media we don't hear too much about these attacks going on around the world. The fact is this we have enemies and we as americans in the name of 'tolerance' are sticking our head in the sand. Well if we as americans don't realize we have a threat around us we deserve to have our butts blown up, and that is exactly what will happen. You see in the Islamic religion, their koran says in loose paraphrase "If you are a christian or a jew you are an infidel and you deserve to die" don't believe me look it up in their Koran. So Hitler in the name of 'tolerance' killed Jews, and Muslims in the name of tolerance kill anyone who doesn't agree with them. Remember America you have been warned. If you think Islam is a peace-loving religion it is not. It is a faith literally bent on world domination. Remember if you a christian or a jew and do not convert to Islam, they will not tolerate you, and will probaly kill you. Http:// and Http:// and and bye. Please remember this day in your prayers those who died as a result of radical Islamic militants flying or attempting to fly into buildings on 9-11-01
Monday, September 10, 2007
politics and religion 9-10
Hello all. Talk about 'bad' politics in the wrong way. These people are bent on the breaking the law. Let me explain in the year 2000 the voters of the State of California voted to keep marriage between 'a man and a woman' and it passed by 62 to 38% in the polls. But the gay groups now want to override this proposition by adding a new law that would undermine the majority of opinion in California. When is it going to become obvious that the democrats want 'gay marriage' to the average american person. Listen to me how long are christians going to put their head in the sand before they realize what is going on. They have bills on the governor's desk that will not allow right now that will take out the word 'marriage' from the California textbooks. We have to be 'gender friendly', if you are a christian democrat WAKE UP and smell the coffee NOW. I received an email last year that the homosexuals have declared a war on christians. Yet the christians are going to sit down until it is too late, and then it your pastor will go to jail for 'hate crimes' when that happens, don't cry. Also another thing if you are a christian please remember this quote "if you do not engage the culture, the culture will engage you". I went one day to my friends church and it was dead. The pastor said "why aren't there anyone here" because pastor stand up for righteousness and holiness and see what God does in your congregation. Email me at Http:// and and and or .org remember "if you don't engage the culture the culture will engage you" by.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
politics and religion Farewell to a great man of God
Hello all. This is a tribute to D. James Kennedy, a preacher based out of Florida. He died yesterday. Here was a good man of God. Before I starting going to my fellowship I used to watch his program on Television. He was a 'politically incorrect' preacher that stood up for righteousness at all costs. He will be missed. However, there is some good news to this, when they name a successor for his church I hope he is as dynamic as Dr. Kennedy was. God is doing something to this country by raising up great men of God when the older ones pass away. He stood up for righteousness when he could have folded into the 'politically correct' culture like so many other people and church pastors have done. Which is a sad shame. Speak up against unrighteousness no matter what the costs this could very determine if this makes you a christian or not. If you are a christian being loved by the world there is something wrong with you,however if you are hated by the liberals like the ACLU, you are in a good position. Farewell Dr. Kennedy thank you for standing up to the forces that be, and let's continue to pray. The battle is done on our knees. May God bless America as Kennedy would say. BY. email me. HttP:// and Http:// and and by
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
politics and religion 9-5 compassion where is it?
Hello all. This is a word on compassion, yesterday I was watching the news, and I noticed an interesting story. Here it is, most of you have heard of the heat wave going on in this country, particularly on the West coast. Well check this out a lady died. Several people have died, however,the interesting thing to this story is she was homeless. A homeless lady living in her car, people pass by her car, all of the time. And once again no one cares. She needed water and when she probaly went into a store to ask for some, with no money, they probaly turned her away. Now she is dead. This is the society we have sunk into, first came the devaluation of human life inside of the mother's womb, according to some it is a fetus, and not a person. The baby is expendible, so naturally as a result, next comes human life at a much older level. This lady was 53 and needed help. To my sad dismay let me ask this question to you 'where was the christian church in this situation' a lady needed help and no one helped her. No one checked on her, no one cared for her. This is the society we have been degraded. No one cares for the poor anymore or the 'down and out' this lady needed help, and she could not even get a cup of water. The philosphy today seems to be 'we have missions that they can go to' let them go there. Ironically no one wants to support these places financially. Our country is dead in the water. We are a post-christian country that God has abandoned. We will face the consequences of forsaking the Lord, get ready it will get worse, there will be a day when you and I will not be able to walk down the street, because it will be so dangerous. AMERICA REPENT. If you don't God is going to pop this country. I heard a preacher say we are ripe for judgment, I agree 100%. Email me. and and and
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-4
Hello. Alot has happened over the Labor Day weekend. I won't go through all of the details today. However, it looks like the my hotel in downtown Los Angeles is going to be sold along with 9 others in the area. This is the dramatic irony to this idea. They are kicking people out of these hotels to put in more destitute and impoverished people. Some of you are saying 'that is great'. Where do the people who are being legally evicted going to go too. Housing is expensive. This is a politicial move on the Los Angeles Mayor's part to say 'look I cleaned up skid row',now I am not opposed to cleaning up skid row. But to kick people out with no where to go *(potentially) and then put a bunch of homeless people into these new sro hotels does not make sense. There is a statement that goes like this "always follow the money trail" yet Villagroisa claims to be an advocate for L.A.'s poor yet he pulls a stunt like this. I hope this guy loses in his next election for mayor. He claims to fight for change and yet he doesn't fight for the little guy. email me at and and and
politics and religion 9-4
Hello. Well Congress is back, let's see what they are up to. Nothing as usual. Let's see if they propose a new tax hike for you the American people. The 'hate crimes' legislation will come to a vote this or next week email your congressperson at and welcome to America where everyone wants to silence your speech. In the book '1984' they have these people called the 'thought police' if you think the wrong thoughts they find out and arrest you. Well that is America the newer version of this is called "miniority report" with Tom Cruise in it. So welcome back your congresspeople with open arms America the Land of the Free and the home of the aborted babies. Email me at Http:// and and and thanks bye
Sunday, September 2, 2007
politics and religion 9-2 don't scream about the money in Iraq
Hello all. The Iraqi war spends 100 billion dollars in US currency, however this takes the cake , the US Senate has just allocated 250 billion dollars to go shopping you heard me right to go shopping. The U.S. government has allocated 250 billion dollars to buy bargains at Best Buy, to buy lawn chairs, I thought the new democratic congress and senate were going to be economically wise. Guess not, like I have said before 'you get what you vote for' if you vote for someone who raises taxes that is exactly what you will get. Well if a democrat wins in 08 your taxes will definitely go up. This is the exact thing I warned about if the democrats win. Well these people need to shut up about the Iraq war costs,that costs only about 100 billion dollars. Vote for people that will guarantee you no more tax hikes. If a democrat wins, good luck. You just need to stay informed on all of the tax issues you can at and say no to the government waste. If you want higher taxes don't email your senators on this issue if you don't want higher taxes email them and tell them how ashamed you are of this. Tell them you will remember this when you vote again if enough people protest tax hikes they will listen, and not raise them no matter who is in office democrat or republican. Say no to higher taxes now! and check out The Onion for this story on 8-30-07 for more information. Have a safe and blessed Labor day.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
politics and religion 9-1 what happened in Iowa?
What happened to the will of the people. Let me explain a Iowan judge struck down the Defense of Marriage act in Iowa. Wow so the will the people is not important. I thought we were in a democracy yet once again you and I need to realize that the importance of politics. Here you have a miniority of people (the gay movement) 4% currently, and there rights come before the majority. Isn't that called communism. Let's force our beliefs on these people whether they like it or not. How fascinating, in 2008 when you vote remember 'democrats are for gay marriage and rights', with the republicans they traditonally will oppose these rights if people like you and me yell loud enough. Then they listen. So if you a democratic christian you might want to change your party. If you don't listen in about 10 years your church could be closed because they said 'homosexuality is a sin'. How is it that 4% of the popluation gained so much control, let me explain how they did it. #1-education-your school systems teach them to be 'tolerant' of other people's beliefs. #2-television-they always portray homosexuality in a positive light, and never in a negative light. And there are alot of negative stories out there but you never hear about them from the mainstream media. #3-judicial- certain liberal judges like the 9th federal circuit court in california, ignore christian rights, but overwhelmingly side with the gay groups on virtually all matters. #4-politicians-your politicians like Hillary Clinton, and BArack Obama and all the other democratic presidential running mates are all for gay rights. NOne of you heard Hillary's speech to the 'human rights commission' another word the gay rights groups. She said a mouthful with them talking about all kinds of gay issues that she would support. Of course this means 'liberal judges' as well. Well think about all of these things carefully and logically I am not asking you to side with me, but think logically about these things. Email me at and and and and Http:// by.
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