Thursday, August 30, 2007

politics and religion 8-29

Hello all. What is next. The dreaded 'hate crimes' legislation will before the next week and it will problay pass. Here is the problem with this legislation. What is next? Banning 'hate speech' let me use some examples. In Canada a pastor was convicted of 'hate speech' crimes. You see in Canada they have 2 things #1-hate crimes laws and #2-the separation of church and state. Like we have here in the U.S. anyway these muslim students are given a special time to pray during the day, however, no other religious faith is allowed to do so. Christian or otherwise. Plus the muslims are allowed to hand out Islamic literature like querans and other items on campus during school hours. When this pastor protested he was sentenced to a 'hate crimes' law violation and sentenced to 340 hours of community service, and fines and penalties. There it is. Muslims have special rights ,however ,christians can not even hand out a christian tract without someone saying something to them. If you are going to enforce the rules enforce them on everybody. Muslims should be no different. This is about censoring speech to anyone who disagrees with the 'homosexual movement' and the islamic movement, because if you can stifle the speech being said about gays now, what about later, you know saying "abortion is wrong" and "Islam is not ok look at september 11,2001". Guess what that will be next when you don't hire a muslim at your christian church guess what will happen they will sue you and win, then take money away from you. Lord Jesus please help. You know when those awful things happen in the book of Revelation remember America you let it happen. And when one day they close your church down, remember America you let it happen. We will then be like Europe a god-less heathenistic society. Oh bye the way in Europe they are mostly Muslim over there, the christian churches are dead over there. Remember the rule in the q'ran it says and I am paraphrasing here "IF you are not a muslim, and you are a christian or a Jew you deserve death" that is a paraphrase. That means if you are a christian they will not tolerate your beliefs, they will tell you to renounce Christ or die. Well by. Email me. and and and and by

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