Tuesday, August 21, 2007

politics and religion 8-21

Hello. The liberals have really blown it this time. According to the associated press and the incredibly liberal Mtv Network. They say that according to a study that americans favor marriage and traditonial family values. The liberal school system has been trying for years to teach our children that 'gay marriage' is ok and 'it is ok to live together'. It is amazing to me how people think that this is ok. The kids are not deceived. First of all studies show that people who live together are twice as likely to cheat on their spouses when they get married. And also the vast majority of people in the US do not favor gay marriage, but yet they keep trying to shove it down our throats. Another thing is that people who live together are twice as likely to get a divorce. How sad. Well I am out. www.citizenlink.org and www.frc.org and www.latravelytb.com and www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com email me I would love to hear from you.

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