Wednesday, August 22, 2007

downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 8-22

Hello. I try to go to sleep now by 9pm or by 10 pm. The film crew was in our building yesterday, that was fun. Having a bunch of people there looking at you like your a weirdo. I don't like Hollywood as you can tell. It is full of vein and superficial people that need to recognize that they are sinners. So last night they bugged me, but what can I do about it. You know what really beguiled me. They spend so much money on that equipment, and people, that I was thinking think how many people could they help with the money they spent on that one scene in a tv show. That is what really saddened me. America is a post-christian country, I know we will face judgment for our vanity, and I personally agree with the judgment to come. Well talk to you later. and and www.latravelytb.ocm and by

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