Friday, August 31, 2007
politcs and religion 8-31 fix our health care system
Hello. Yesterday in my building where I live there is a guy there who is 63 years old, and sick. (this is going to be gross). He has legs that he can't lift because they are too heavy. He had puss, coming out of his legs,it smells like rotting flesh literally. He needs assisted health care. Yet he has no nurse. I was burdened by this so I talked to someone whos sister is an R.N., and he told me that the governor of California Arnold Schwargennezer approved the bill 4 to 1 nurses. Let me explain in California for every 4 patients they need to have 1 nurse. Like me you said "that's great", no it is not. You see there is a shortage of California nurses here, so if you have a 4 to 1 ratio, then there is a problem. But here is the whammie, if you are a hospital nurse (whether county or private) you will get penalized financially for disobeying this rule. Let me explain again, in other words, if you take care of more than 4 patients you will not get as much money for your hospital. So that is why you have 'patient dumping'. This guy was released with no records or anything. They 'legally' dumped him and told him to go home. Why? Because there was no more room for him, he can not lift his legs, he can not sit on a toilet without assistance, yet they released him. He has green legs (looks like gangrene) and they released him. We need to fix our health care system. Email me. and Http:// and and
Thursday, August 30, 2007
politics and religion 8-29
Hello all. What is next. The dreaded 'hate crimes' legislation will before the next week and it will problay pass. Here is the problem with this legislation. What is next? Banning 'hate speech' let me use some examples. In Canada a pastor was convicted of 'hate speech' crimes. You see in Canada they have 2 things #1-hate crimes laws and #2-the separation of church and state. Like we have here in the U.S. anyway these muslim students are given a special time to pray during the day, however, no other religious faith is allowed to do so. Christian or otherwise. Plus the muslims are allowed to hand out Islamic literature like querans and other items on campus during school hours. When this pastor protested he was sentenced to a 'hate crimes' law violation and sentenced to 340 hours of community service, and fines and penalties. There it is. Muslims have special rights ,however ,christians can not even hand out a christian tract without someone saying something to them. If you are going to enforce the rules enforce them on everybody. Muslims should be no different. This is about censoring speech to anyone who disagrees with the 'homosexual movement' and the islamic movement, because if you can stifle the speech being said about gays now, what about later, you know saying "abortion is wrong" and "Islam is not ok look at september 11,2001". Guess what that will be next when you don't hire a muslim at your christian church guess what will happen they will sue you and win, then take money away from you. Lord Jesus please help. You know when those awful things happen in the book of Revelation remember America you let it happen. And when one day they close your church down, remember America you let it happen. We will then be like Europe a god-less heathenistic society. Oh bye the way in Europe they are mostly Muslim over there, the christian churches are dead over there. Remember the rule in the q'ran it says and I am paraphrasing here "IF you are not a muslim, and you are a christian or a Jew you deserve death" that is a paraphrase. That means if you are a christian they will not tolerate your beliefs, they will tell you to renounce Christ or die. Well by. Email me. and and and and by
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
politics and religion 8-29
Hello all. Well it is time to say farewell to a good man of God. He was Dr.Kennedy from a church in Florida. No he did not die, but he retired. He suffered a major health problem at the end of the year last year, and as a result after 8 long months. He decided to retire. I have always said if "you are being loved by the liberals'" you are doing something right. He was definitely hated by the democrats. Why though? This is America where we have the freedom of speech, yet it seems those who disagree with us, instead of saying "we just disagree with them" they say "let's criminalize what they say". Such as "hate speech". If you are a christian you need to examine yourself to make sure you are not being loved by the world, because Jesus said"If the world loves you" you belong to it,(that means you are not born-again). Thank you Dr. Kennedy for your strong biblical stance, and please appoint someone just as strong as you to the position they will be taking over. Well bye. and and and and by
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
politics and religion compassion what happened to it?
Hello all. I read a couple of weeks ago about a woman in Wichita, Kansas, a place in the sticks. I read that she died in front of a convenient store. She died from stab wounds after someone had obviously stabbed her. That is not the worse part of the story 7 people walked over that woman before 1 person reached over and asked her what was wrong. 7 people you guys. What kind of society are we living in where no one will reach out their hand to help out another person like that. How sad and tragic. Our generation is a 'me first selfish narcissist society'. Well this is proof that we live in a sad and decrepped world. If I am in Wichita, Kansas ever in my life I would like to meet those 7 people who walked over this woman, and smack them senseless. Irony would be that they face the same fate, but I doubt. People first, babies first, whales, animal life second. That is how depraved our society has become. Just as Romans 1 says. Well bye. and and and Http:// by.
Monday, August 27, 2007
politics and religion 8-27 go pro-lifers
In Aurora, Illinois there is something interesting happening the pro-lifers are saying no to the building of a 'planned parenthood' clinic or as they are called abortion mills. You see wherever "planned parenthood" goes ,abortions and contraceptions increase. This is statiscally correct. If this doesn't get built by them then guess what, no abortions, meaning it is time for americans to realize that killing babies is wrong and we need to wake up from our sleep and realize that. Well go Aurora, Illinois I hope you succeed. and and and
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Politics and religion 8-25 the folly of it all
Hello. I wonder sometimes if people think about eternity. You know I think about how much we as americans spend on alcohol, drugs (whether legal or illegal), entertainment (movies). There is a reason we spend so much time on the things of this world that do not last. If you are a christian spend your time on eternal things and not the things of this decrepped world that we live in. Now there is nothing wrong with making money or providing for your family, but there is a point to it. Listen to me in eternity no one is going to care how you dressed or about the 'high school musical' series. How sad it will be for some christians when they are dead that no one will remember them for anything eternal that they did, but they will be remembered for all of the temporal things, that they did. Please remember Jesus is coming again, be faithful where you are at. If you are not a christian, become one today, it will be a living hell in eternity without him. You say, I don't believe in hell, well you had better right, because if you are not, you will spend eternity in the lake of fire without him. It is either one way or another. email me and and and by.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
politcs and religion 8-23 Let's piss off 'planned parenthood'
Hello. There is some encouraging news out there in Michigan, there is an organization out there that has 2000 crosses with 2 pictures of babies inside of them. The symbol is the folly of abortion, and how wrong it is. Planned Parenthood does not like these things, because you see it hurts their business, and their business is "murdering" babies inside of their mother's wombs. They really should not worry about it, because when the babies die (which is tragic) they go to heaven. I feel sorry for any abortion doctor that will stand before God. Imagine what they are going to say "I murdered babies in your name" or " I tried to hurt your creation in your name". Planned Parenthood should not complain after all they receive your taxpayer money to 'kill' babies inside of their mothers wombs. Their business will not hurt if they receive government money. Well that is all for today . email me at and and and by.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 8-22
Hello. I try to go to sleep now by 9pm or by 10 pm. The film crew was in our building yesterday, that was fun. Having a bunch of people there looking at you like your a weirdo. I don't like Hollywood as you can tell. It is full of vein and superficial people that need to recognize that they are sinners. So last night they bugged me, but what can I do about it. You know what really beguiled me. They spend so much money on that equipment, and people, that I was thinking think how many people could they help with the money they spent on that one scene in a tv show. That is what really saddened me. America is a post-christian country, I know we will face judgment for our vanity, and I personally agree with the judgment to come. Well talk to you later. and and www.latravelytb.ocm and by
politics and religion 8-22 what harm is their in 'hate crimes'
Hello. People say 'hate crimes ' legislation what is the big deal. This legislation will give special protection to homosexuals, bisexual people, and transsexuals. The statement is of course,well we need 'hate crimes'. We already have 'hate crimes' legislation on the books in federal laws. If you harm someone because of their race you will be subject to the 'hate crimes' laws. However, this is not the case for this type of legislation this says that anyone who commits a 'hate crime' against a person of a certain sexual orientation, and gender identity will be subject to a 'hate crime'. Now let me explain this to you if your pastor says that 'homosexuality is a sin' over the pulpit this could be interrupted as a 'hate crime', why, because of the 'aiding and abedding' law. Your pastor then becomes an accessory to the 'hate crime' and then could possibly go to jail. They probaly will not sentence your pastor to jail, but they face severe fines and penalties (money). Meaning instead of your church trying to send out missionaries around the world they have to use that money to fight court expenses. So now we have a problem christians want to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to people, but now they will not have the money to provide it. Economically certain businesses will have to close their doors. In Canada a married couple who owned a 'bed and breakfast' closed their doors,because they would have to allow gay couples to stay there. A guy who witnessed to a homosexual about the gospel of Jesus Christ was fined in Madison, Wisconsin 7000 dollars and given 50 hours of community service, because he witnessed to him. In Boston the Catholic Charities foundation will close its doors, because by state law they must allow gay couples to adopt kids. And by the way studies have shown that gay couples who raise gay children. Those children will grow up with alot more anger problems, end up gay themselves, and probaly get divorced if they get married as a heterosexual. Listen to me you can not mock God's laws and then think you will not reap it. Well bye. Email me with a perspective and and and email me with your views even if you disagree.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
politics and religion 8-21
Hello. The liberals have really blown it this time. According to the associated press and the incredibly liberal Mtv Network. They say that according to a study that americans favor marriage and traditonial family values. The liberal school system has been trying for years to teach our children that 'gay marriage' is ok and 'it is ok to live together'. It is amazing to me how people think that this is ok. The kids are not deceived. First of all studies show that people who live together are twice as likely to cheat on their spouses when they get married. And also the vast majority of people in the US do not favor gay marriage, but yet they keep trying to shove it down our throats. Another thing is that people who live together are twice as likely to get a divorce. How sad. Well I am out. and and and email me I would love to hear from you.
Monday, August 20, 2007
politics and religion 8-20 abortion
Hello all. There is something I am wondering how are the democrats if they win in 09 going to pay for the 47 million people in the U.S. who do not have healthcare. Let me explain. Someones taxes are going to go up to pay for people's federal healthcare program sponsored by the federal government. There has not been any word about how the politicians are going to pay for the healthcare system that they want to propose. Like I said in the past and I will say again 'you get what you vote for' you vote for someone who will raise your taxes and guess what you get. Now historically speaking the democrats have always been for higher taxes, look at Bill Clinton he taxes everyone in America to death. You see 47 million people go to the doctor for free and do not pay for it. Wow can I or you do that? Well, remember my famous statement 'programs cost money' so if a democrat wins in 09 Congratulations! You will pay more in taxes which should not surprise you. This program alone will cost about 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars extra. I wonder who will pay for that the middle-class will. If you are a democrat and middle-class do yourself a favor and give your house to me now since the heavy taxes will kill you. email me at and and and well talk to you later by
Sunday, August 19, 2007
politics and religion 8-17 dogs are more special
Hello all. Well this is an amazing story to me dogs in our society have more protection from harm than babies inside of their mothers wombs. Let me explain a study was recently done that showed that animal cruelty laws have increased in this country, as well the fines and penalties for such animal cruelty. Now let me explain something I don't believe in unneccessary cruelty for animals but this is taking it to the limit. Babies who are inside of their mothers don't get this much protection. This just shows you how much of a depraved society we live in. We put special laws on pets and animals, but a poor little baby inside of his mother's body has to hope and pray that no one will decide to kill him or her. As I have consistently said God is going to judge this nation and when he does we deserve it. Words to think about amen. Source of resource. and and and
email me even if you disagree by
email me even if you disagree by
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
politics and religion 8-15 what is wrong with 'safe sex"
Hello. The liberals are at it once again they want more tax hikes for their 'pork bellied' projects. They want to eliminate funding for 'abstinence' programs. Some of you are saying this 'well that is good'. Not really. Let me explain. If more kids contact a 'sexually transmitted disease' this will cost the american taxpayer more in taxes in the future, why well you see these new STD victims need healthcare and that costs money, and when your job says no to a particular treatment in your healthcare plan. You can probaly guess who will end up paying for that treatment you the american taxpayer through "socialized medicine". Have you ever met a person who has contracted 'aids' or 'hiv' through abstinence. This will save money in the long run for the americans if we continue to teach abstinence in our public schools. But Americans are not too bright, let's just continue to allow sexual sin. email me and and and by
Monday, August 13, 2007
politics and religion 8-13
Hello. Well the debate among the democratic candidates is clear if a democrat wins in 2008. The following will happen: #1-the emergence of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. #2-the 'hate crimes' legislation that will muzzle any criticism of the homosexual lifestyle in the public square. #3-massive pro-gay agenda curriculum in the public schools. Congratulations for some of you your son or daughter might become gay. Hallejulah! So the choice is yours. So instead of debating the gay issue with science and other rationlal and logical methods. The government is going to penalize you if you say anything against the 'gay' lifestyle. I see america getting nuked by God for this one. If we proceed like this look forward to the judgment of God in the United States. Americans you have been warned. and and and by. Http://
Friday, August 10, 2007
politics and religion and higher taxes 8-10
Guess what. The congress and the senate just voted to raise the taxes on cigarettes and gasoline. The cigarette tax will increase 6.10 dollars a carton which will then be passed on too the consumer, and the gasoline tax will increase by5 cents a gallon. I thought when the democrats were elected they were going to lower taxes. Nope, they lied. You see the government needs an excuse through the various pet projects they want to do to raise your taxes. #1-the mainstream media does not tell you about any tax hikes like this. Why not I wonder? Because then it will hurt their chances to win in any elected office. When we had 4 years of republican leadership in the congress and the senate this tax hike would have never even been introduced. If you are reading this email contact and and of course the president of the U.S. and ask all of them not to vote for these measures,but against them. and It is time to tell the government not to raise any more taxes on anything. Oh by the way these little taxes add up to the thousands of dollars when you really think about it. SAY NO TO HIGHER TAXES! and thanks. Http://
Thursday, August 9, 2007
politics and religion 8-9 and the stock market today
Hello. Well it has happened the stock market has fell 386 points today. This is some sad news for the economy, but we need to remember that the money we have in our pockets is worthless. It is called a "federal reserve note" and is backed up by nothing except the federal reserve bank. I disagree with President Bush on the fact that the economy is not in turmoil. He is frankly wrong on this point. The economy guys is in terrible pain. Want proof. A man making 40000 dollars 2o years ago could live on that now he or she can barely survive. Could this be the judgment of God? I don't know. But I do know this Jesus is coming back real soon so look up. It is with sadness that I write this article, but you can not continue to lie about the economy the way the government has been doing for decades like we have seen. Enron was the best thing that happened to this country? why because now the companies have to tell the truth concerning the expectations of their stocks. Well that is all for today. and and and by
Monday, August 6, 2007
politics and religion 8-6 and taxes
Hello all. I did not hear yesterday in the republican debate anything about lowering taxes in the U.S. on the middle-class families. Isn't that kinda odd. Not too me. If Hillary Clinton wins for president. Man are taxes going to go up. Republicans are not much better on this issue.When I am watching a debate I want to know are you going to lower my taxes. Politics as usual. No mention of that. Keep informed on the issues, and if you are middle-class I feel sorry for you in 09, because taxes are going to go through the roof. That is why when I finish my tax book, I will sell it, and it will teach people who are middle-class how to save money on their taxes. In the area of taxes both democrats and republicans are the same, I am done defending republicans in tax areas. They need to say what they said what they would do, and that is lower taxes, and keep them low. Email me at and and of course and bye.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Politics and religion 8-5
Hello all. Congralutions America, you get to pay more at the gas pump for your fuel. Let me explain. The democrats have just passed a bill in the House of Reprentsatives to tax oil and coal even more. In another words if oil taxes go up it will tax the american people more at the pump even more. It now heads to the senate where they may add more oil restrictions to the bill. More taxes mean less profits for the oil companies. Less profits for the oil companies means they raise the price of gasoline, which means you pay for the cost at the pump. Well whatever party you are. We need to form a tax revolution. Which means you look up and stay informed on the current tax hikes brought up by the senate and the congress. Email me your senator and tell them you are disappointed in them that they would raise your taxes like this. and and and bye. Tell me what you
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Politics and religion 8-4
politics and religion! Hello. We have some good news for some of you florida residents. Your chance to vote against gay marriage is here. Hopefully in 2008 you guys will have the oppurtunity to vote for 'marriage', and not 'gay marriage'. Here is why this is important because if people vote for the marriage amendments in their states then when the federal government abolishes it the people will become outraged and as a result vote for some righteous people to oversee this country. I really like to see these amendments because it shows the power of the people. Remember this statement 'if good people do nothing evil triumphs'. Please register to vote. Please stay alert on all of the issues. Here are some websites for that and and and thanks for emailing me. Bye.
Friday, August 3, 2007
politics and religion 8-3
Hello. This is a sad day for me. I am wondering when americans will realize that we can not continue to kill and murder babies in a practice called "abortion'. The liberal congress passed a measure callled HR 3162 that would gut 'abstinence education' and promote more sex in the United States, and also would take out the president's rule of protection of 'unborn children' in this measure, yet the media says this is a great bill. You know when God judges the U.S. I do not want to hear the christians scream and shout about higher taxes in 2009. When a new president takes over,especially, if they are a democrat. and and and thanks have a good day.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
politics and religion 8-1
As I said yesterday, taxes really get under my skin. Let me explain just today I was reading an article on about how the democrats want our taxpaying dollars to pay for abortions in the United States. Why should anyone who doesn't believe in abortion pay for it. That is why I am writing an e-book on how to save money on your taxes. Coming out soon, and I am going to start a new blog telling you the issues of the day so you can email and to contact your elected officials to say no more tax hikes for stupid and dumb causes. Now some of you are saying well someone has to pay for the programs. Let me tell you something the rich have tax shelters, the middle-class do not. Guess who will pay for the tax hikes in the United States. That is right, the middle-class, and the poor. Programs cost money. Someone is going to pay for the abortions as well the welfare people and other people. Remember something "programs cost money". Please write that down somewhere, and where does money from the government come from. You! email me at and thanks. Talk to you later about lazy good for nothing politicians. bye. Http://
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