Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Politics and religion 1-29

Hello all. Well the Colorado State Government has adopted a similar bill parallel to the ENDA in the federal government. However, they claim all religious organzations are 'exempt'. What happens when these states decide to pull their exemptions for 'religious' organizations out of the picture. You see I have found it is alot easier to put a law on the books, then to take it off of the books. Kind of like taxes, once a law is there Good Luck in getting it off of the books. Anyway, here is the deception. 'Christian organizations' are exempt for now. But when we get enough strength behind us. Then we will pull the exemptions away then tell all of the Christian groups tough luck. Why have the laws on the books in the first place. Gays are not discriminated against. Target has gay executives, President Bush has gays on his cabinet. We have gays in all kinds of offices. Unless you are trying to target those who would speak out against the homosexual lifestyle. Target 'free speech' on those who would disagree. Where is the 'tolerance' towards christians. I don't see it. Instead I see an agenda that if you disagree with it you must be fined and put into prison. Just like Jesus said we would in the Bible. Please remember something think logically, not illogically. Think, by reason. Don't believe emotionally, but believe by reason and logically. In all you do. We live in an emotional feely based society. Don't live that way. Don't vote that way either. Think and vote according to logic and reason. Which means research the candidates on taxes and the moral issues. Google them. Do not vote for someone on the basis of their race, but on what they stand for. www.LATravelYTB.com and www.microsoft.com and www.frc.org and www.citizenlink.org and www.americancongressfortruth.com

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