Thursday, January 31, 2008

Politics and religion 1-31

Hello all. I heard it from the associated press that supposedly amercians think that a new president will change inflation, and other factors that influence our society. I don't think so. Talk to Warren Buffett he has made money when republicans and democrats have been in power. Listen to this statement "Politicians sway the economy very little". Is this true. Well let's see. We have a democratically controlled Congress and Senate" Yet how come gas prices have not come down. Can't the senators pass a bill that make it mandatory to lower gas prices no. Because our oil comes from overseas. We can't control it. So stop blaming Bush for higher gas prices. How can someone afford a house when interest rates at 4% and they are barely making it as is. They can not. They need to lower interest rates back to 2% then maybe the american people could afford a house again. (Don't count on it). By the way the interest rates cut that have been done by the Federal Reserve Bank are only temporary and not permanent. Don't believe me google it. Anyway by. and and and and

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Politics and religion 1-30

Do you think a 150 billion dollar economic stimilus plan will help the average american. It will if both sides of the aisle keep taxes low. I think in this country we are coming to a time when the federal government will have to pay everyone's mortgage for them. Economically, it sounds good, but the 800 dollars that the average american will get will be spent quickly. Here is the danger if a democrat wins how much will they add on to the taxes that they already collect. Let's see for the average american who is married, they will reduce the child-tax credit like Bill Clinton did. To a minimal amount. Also to you who are married they will raise the marriage penalty tax to 1500 dollars or more a year. (this is a tax that penalizes anyone who is married). So if you have problems paying your bills now, especially your mortgage, guess what, more financial problems will occur. How blessed are you for reading this website, why? Well I my desire is to teach 50 million americans how to save money on their taxes legally. Like that. Well I will keep you posted on this in the future. By. and and and and by

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Politics and religion 1-29

Hello all. Well the Colorado State Government has adopted a similar bill parallel to the ENDA in the federal government. However, they claim all religious organzations are 'exempt'. What happens when these states decide to pull their exemptions for 'religious' organizations out of the picture. You see I have found it is alot easier to put a law on the books, then to take it off of the books. Kind of like taxes, once a law is there Good Luck in getting it off of the books. Anyway, here is the deception. 'Christian organizations' are exempt for now. But when we get enough strength behind us. Then we will pull the exemptions away then tell all of the Christian groups tough luck. Why have the laws on the books in the first place. Gays are not discriminated against. Target has gay executives, President Bush has gays on his cabinet. We have gays in all kinds of offices. Unless you are trying to target those who would speak out against the homosexual lifestyle. Target 'free speech' on those who would disagree. Where is the 'tolerance' towards christians. I don't see it. Instead I see an agenda that if you disagree with it you must be fined and put into prison. Just like Jesus said we would in the Bible. Please remember something think logically, not illogically. Think, by reason. Don't believe emotionally, but believe by reason and logically. In all you do. We live in an emotional feely based society. Don't live that way. Don't vote that way either. Think and vote according to logic and reason. Which means research the candidates on taxes and the moral issues. Google them. Do not vote for someone on the basis of their race, but on what they stand for. and and and and

Monday, January 28, 2008

Politcs and religion what will happen 1-28

Hello all. You know it looks like a welfare check being handed out to all of the United States. I of course am talking about the 'economic stimulus deal'. Let me tell you what both democrats and republicans will not tell you. (Including our President). How can some one afford a house on a 8-12 dollar wage. Especially if the house payment is 1500 dollars a month. That is alot. It is called 'add up the numbers'. How many people will have to work in that household to pay off the mortgage. You see the politicians on both sides of the aisle are rich. Yes both democrats and republicans are multi-millionaires. They do not know your or my pain. It will take a few people to pay off that mortgage, and the property taxes, and the utiltities. Don't believe what Yahoo news or your local media are telling you. Listen to me, If wages in this country continue like this. There will not be enough in social security or medicare in a few years. By the way since most companies now do not offer a pension program who is going to pay the bill in a few years. What will most people have to retire on, Social Security. It is already overburdened as it is. Especially when the baby boomers in 2010 ask for their money. Anyway, please listen. As long as we have no control over our import flow into this country, and as long as we have low wages for people to live on, it will never get any better. Low wages are not going away, you can by law, force an employer to give you healthcare. However, that means he or she will not give you a christmas bonus or a raise from minimum wage. That is the fate of America I am afraid. There are solutions and I will talk about them tomorrow. However, don't get your hopes they probaly will not happen. and and and and

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Politics and religion 1-27

Hello all. Could it be that in the public schools in the United States that Islam is being taught? Maybe, in several school districts in other states Islam is being taught as a 'good' belief system. You know what is so interesting there is not a single word from the ACLU on this issue. No word from the 'Separation of church and state' organizations. However, still can not teach 'Jesus' in the public schools. However, when you try to debate Islam with them. Here is what they do to you. They call it a 'hate crime'. Just for debating it. Isn't that amazing, we do not debate, however, since we will not debate you, you can not speak against us. Kind of confusing isn't it. Here is why? when a person can not debate you on an issue they have to criminalize you for speaking out against that particular issue. Look at Gays, they don't debate. Look at Islam. They do not debate people. Dr. Robert Morey is an expert on Islam, however, no debate, instead the Muslims have issued a 'Death Warrant' for his arrest. If you don't believe me on this issue. And want more information on this contact she is a real expert on this issue. Islam and all. Her family is from Pakistan. Well, by, and and and

Friday, January 25, 2008

Politics and religion 1-25

Hello all. Well check this out. You want in Arizona your children to be free from diseases and other things that would harm them. Right! Well the Governor of Arizona is now refusing 1 million dollars from the federal government for 'abstinence education'. Her reason, no explanation of course. Abstinence education has proved marvelous results for people in the United States. Even though it is severely not funded well. You see places like 'Planned Parenthood' are asking states to not take federal abstinence education dollars. Planned Parenthood does not care about your kids. They want your kids to get pregnanet and contract some form of a disease. Well in the Bible it says "You will reap what you sow". If you want more diseases and your children to get pregnant. Vote for a democrat this year for President of the United States. The Governor of Arizona is a democrat by the way. Hillary and Obama are receiving 10 million dollars from 'Planned Parenthood' this year to really advance this agenda. source. today's date. and and by

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Politics and religion 1-24

Hello all. Well the anniversary of Abortion becoming legalized in all states in 1973 has came and went. By the way did you know that in 1973 when the abortion decision came out 38 states had already legalized it in their states. So there it is 'abortion' had to become a 'communist law' across the land. Isn't it amazing how life in the U.S. has already started to fall apart here since that decision. You see if you don't appreciate life in the womb, you will not appreciate it outside of the womb either. Is that fair? For you ignorant slugs out there by the way, if the United States Supreme Court overruled abortion altogether. It would go back to the states for the people of those states to vote on in their elections. So let that happen, the states who want to keep abortion can keep it. The american states that don't want it will vote it out. You see that is what the abortionists don't want, they do not want people to have a voice on this issue. That is why ROE v. Wade is so important to them. If you are pro-life vote that way this election period. Email me at and and and and

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Politics and religion 1-20

How will you vote this year? Will you vote for a person because of his or her race? How do you vote? I vote on one simple principle. Are they pro-life? Are they anti-gay marriage? If you are a christian these issues should matter to you. However, I am hearing differently. I am hearing 'I am voting for Barack' because he is black. Or Hillary because she is a woman. Take your faith with you to the polls. If you are pro-life vote for someone who is pro-life and pro-choice? Hillary and Barack are pro-choice look at their voting records. Vote for someone who is anti-gay marriage. Hillary and Barack are pro-gay marriage. Look it up. If you are a bible-believing christian vote like one. Take your faith with to the polls. It matters, it really does. Show up to the polls also. Somehting to think about. Amen. and and and and by

Friday, January 18, 2008

Politics and religion 1-18

Hello all. There is some good news on the abortion front. They are down to 1.2 million in 2005. Sounds good. But we still need to get rid of it for good. Amen. Keep up the good work, you pro-lifers. Continue the good fight of faith against this. It all starts with prayer and teaching people why abortion is wrong. It hurts women physcially and spiritually. Don't believe me research it. Plenty of stuff on the internet to back up what I say. Amen. and and and

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Politics and religion 1-17

Hello all. You know it amazes how dumb our society has become. Let me explain. Our kids graduate from high school with only the reading skills of a 7th grader. Your newspapers and publications are written at a 7th grade level. Look it up. Need more references. A book called "The Earth is Flat" is out there read it. That book is a sitcom. It tells of how we have been dumbing down' our kids. In febuary 2005, ABC's 20/20 did a special called "dumbing down our kids". What Did the NEA do as a result, they stood in front of ABC's headquarters in New York and protested. You noticed they did not debate the ABC newspeople on this issue. They protested. Why? Also notice they did not contest what was said either. Interesting in our society we are not taught to think for ourselves. Look at the presidential elections. How many 'Christian Democrats' are going to vote for Obama or Hillary. Just because of their party affilations. How many black people will vote for Obama just because he is black. How many? You see the reason for dumbing down our kids is if we had children who could think for themselves. They would not vote 'democrat', instead let's paint the 'republican party' as a greedy materialistic party and the democrats as a generous party that wants to help people. But isn't it amazing that in the Largely Liberal democratic California. How many people receive help. Not too many. In California you have 'patient dumping and heavy taxation' and people sleeping on the sidewalks, etc. Yet we are a generous heavily taxed state. Where is all of the money going? If you figure it out you tell me. More on this tomorrow. and and and and

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Politics and religion 1-15

Hello all. Well most of you have probaly heard that department stores sales were down last year around Christmas. Ironically, one company surpassed all of the rest. Wal-Mart. Maybe there is a reason that people shop at Wal-Mart. The cheaper prices and the fact that you can find everything you practically need. Also, maybe the fact that has openly endorsed conservative pro-life causes, while the rest of the department stores are either silent on them or don't support them at all. I did a study on taxes, all of the conservative states like Wyoming, South Dakota, have several things in common. They are primarily Republican states that have control over their crime system, as well as promote the Death Penalty. Look at California, it is a state that frowns on the Death Penalty, and look at the crime system here. It is out of control. You have socialists in office that don't know how to say no to spending in any form. I got an idea, don't support 'Planned Parenthood' with any of the state of Calfornia's dollars. Eliminate that from your budget. Will that happen? Doubtful? Alot of companies like ATand T support 'Planned Parenthood' as well as most of the pro-gay causes financially. Liberal places like APLA, etc. You know if Christians would learn the power of boycotting these companies, like FOrd Motor Company for their endorsement of 'same-sex marriage' and it is working Ford has lost alot of sales. Then maybe the liberals would fear us. Stop funding the liberal causes, like Target, and these others. Well email me at and and and and

Monday, January 14, 2008

Politics and religion 1-14

Hello all. Well what is up with the new ID system that the government is trying to put into law. It would seem that we have people that don't want controlled borders. Other countries have control over there immigration system. Canada, Europe, yet we the United States are stupid when it comes to our immigration laws. Remember I always say "Programs=Money". Vote for someone who will control our immigration and our borders. Democrats traditonally do not want controlled borders. Why? They act like money comes from trees. Fund everything including the lazy, now Mister Obama is trying to bail out homes in trouble with 10 billion dollars in assistence. At this point I don't know what will save the econ0my. Remember the book by Rb thieme called "the cycle of civilization" read it. Really good book. Order it today. It is free, google by and and and

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Politics and religion 1-13

Hello all. I was thinking about something. Has God abandoned the United States of America? Hear me out. Let's see we have "christians" who approve of a pro-choice candidate for public offices. We have "christians" who approve of 'gay marriage'. Something is wrong here. Or is it? Maybe God has abandoned America and as a result we the people 'christian or not' are reaping the results of that choice. I heard this from a message by John Macarthur called "has God abandoned America" in this message John concludes YES. He just gave some statistics that is all. Could we be the like the Nation of Judah in the book of Jeremiah in the old Testament. We listen to the false prophets and ignore the true prophets of the Lord. Maybe the false prophets are the politicians on both sides of the aisle who say " the economy is great" when it is really not. Or maybe we are listening to the wrong prophets like in Jeremiah's who said "everything is ok God is for us". Remember they were judged in a nasty way across the board. By the way when the enemy invaded they killed all of the 'false prophets' and killed the king who was not even a believer anyway and his sons. Well America it is what "billy graham has said" If God doesn't judge America He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Now we might be able to taper off some of this judgment if we would just repent. God might have mercy. However, by kicking him out of our public schools and out of the public arena in the capacity we have, I doubt it. Well, that is all for today. Email me at and and and by. By the way get the message from Grace to YOu called "A nation abandoned by God" by John Macarthur.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Politics and religion 1-11

Hello all. I am calling on all christians in the United States to pray for the upcoming elections this year. If you are physcially able to fast please do. You all. The key is to pray, let's ask God to put Godly and relatively (nobody is perfect) righteous leaders into office. So for the rest of the year I am asking all Christians just to pray for the upcoming elections that the Lord would put the right person in office. Please do that. Don't vote for someone because of their race or gender. Vote for them because of your values and what they represent. Anyway by. and and and

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Politics and religion 1-10

Well let's talk about taxes. Under Bush's tax cuts middle-class have seen an increase in the child tax credit for the american family and the removal of the 'marriage penalty tax' which Bill Clinton signed into law in 1993. Will Hillary approve another 'marriage penalty tax' I wonder. I wonder if the democrats are just playing possum. Until 2009. Then they will raise taxes on the middle-class again. Look at Charlie Rangel's tax plan that he wants to be approved. Do not believe me google 'Charlie Rangel's tax plan' and look at it for yourself. It is hilarious. If you invest the capital gains tax will go up to 25%, also the raise of the 'marriage penalty tax' which will cost every married person in the United States 1500 a year. I still have not heard any word from Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters on this issue. It has been months. It will raise taxes all around. So if you are married or know someone who is vote republican for their sakes. Anyway, and and and and by. Also will Hillary Lower the Child tax credit for 2010 and beyond. She is a democrat, and remember "Programs=money"

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Poltics and religion 1-9

Power to the people I think. Check this out, because the demcrats are scared of losing power. Check this one out. They want to pass a federal law against the Defense of Marriage acts throughtout all of the states. Once again where is the mainstream media on this issue. I have not heard a word on this issue from them. The democrats want to pass the 'Freedom of choice act" which basically overrides all of the parental notifaction laws in all of the states that have them. The freedom of choice act will override the 'partial birh abortion' ban passed by the Supreme Court of the United States. Allowing it back into law. I am sorry "what happened to the will of the people". Where is the Christian church on this issue. Silent again. You know I wonder how much silence the christians will be in the next few years. Here the voters have passed in the states the Defense of Marriage acts, and a few senators want to override (once again) the will of the people. What happened to democracy? We are a democratic society after all. Or is it that these senators want absolute power with no accountability. So you the american voter vote and the federal government says 'we don't care for your vote' and decides to override your moral vote. Anyway, tomorrow I will talk about taxes, and give you a fair and analytical view on them. Bascially democrats and republicans. and and and and by.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Politics and religion 1-08

Hello all. I have a solution for all of the 'gay' liberal denominations and others as well. If you do not support the church financially, then guess what. They will go out of business. You know you can not pay the light bill or the pastors who serve. That is the solution. Do not support them financially. End of story. In Kansas a 'man' become a woman at a presbyertian church and guess what happened. The church ended up going out of business. Well, that is the price you pay. There is no federal law that says 'I have to support an organization' I don't agree with right. So don't support the Lutherans or the Methodists or the Presbyertians (unless you are sure they are conservative) or any other organization for that matter. A problem solved. Let the gays support the church, if they feel so led. By. and and and and

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Politics and religion 1-06-08

Hello all. You know I was about something. My dad said to me "christians don't help people". How many atheists do you know that help people. Or Secular humanists? Let me rephrase that how many atheistic organizations build hospitals in 3rd world countries. How many? 0 that I can see. Then they talked about the 'hypocrites'. My answer to that is one more hypocrite will not really matter. Besides that, it does not matter, every knee is going to bow and say Jesus is Lord. So if you are not even a christian that includes you buddy. That means President Bush and Nancy Pelosi, no matter how great or small the person was in the world. Imagine Bill Gates and Donald Trump bowing their knee to Jesus Christ one day. Some will enter in, some will not and here is why? You are not sorry for what you have done, but that you got caught. A criminal says " I am sorry" to the court, however, only because he or she got caught. Same thing when you stand before God. You will say 'Jesus is Lord' one way or another. For some it will be too late, what a sad shame. Repent, turn from your sins, and believe in Jesus Christ. and and and

Friday, January 4, 2008

Politics and religion 1-04

Hello all. Well another part to the puzzle in the 'one world order'. We have 'evangelical christians' from Yale and the Harvard Divinity school supporting Islam. I am not shocked. In public schools now you have teachers who are teaching right from the Koran. Yet you can not read from the Bible. Jesus is forbidden to talk about. However, Allah is not. Yet still no word from the ACLU. Why? Islam is not a christian faith, therefore, according to the Bible it is an antichrist spirit. I did not say it the Bible says it. 2 or 3rd John. Don't believe me, read it. Yale and Harvard have been liberal for years. No shock there. Don't listen to these idiots at these schools. They may have high degrees that doesn't mean they are smart. The liberals scream about 'separation of church and state' however, why haven't they said a word about Islam in the public schools. Anyway, by. and and and and

Thursday, January 3, 2008

politics and religion 1-03

Hello all. You know I was wandering through my church's bookstore. I went into a section where they had all of these books about the rich christian history of this nation. Look at us now. We are a godless pagan society. We defend 'gay people' and their rights more than we defend veterans. We treat our veterans like 'crap'. Their is a book I have by Robert Thieme and it is called 'The cycle of a civilization'. It is free just google Robert thieme on the internet. The cover says it all. However, it is a short read only 15 pages. One of the greatest books ever written on the decline and fall of any society.(the United States included). Get the book. I am afraid this is the fate of the United States. Deuteronomy 28 talks about 'blessings and curses'. You want to read a book about how a nation should exist. Read your Bible. Deuteronomy 28, and the entire book of Jeremiah in the old testament. I listened to a commentary on the book of Jeremiah by Pastor Chuck smith of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. Very good. You know I feel sorry for America, and the pain I see it will go through, because, of its stubborn pride. I just wonder when Americans will repent and come back to faith in Jesus Christ. Or will we be overtaken by other 'religions' and be judged as a result. Billy Graham once said "If God doesn't judge America he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah" that is all for today. Think about these things. Amen. and and and and by

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Politics and religion 1-02-08

Happy new Year to you all. Remember this is the last year of President Bush being in office. The year in review. The democrats want to scrap the 'pay as you go' philosophy. But they can't right, because of President Bush. Check this one out. They added a 5 cent per gallon increase to every gallon of gasoline. This year they are giving out alot of tax breaks to the middle-class. Why? Because the middle-class will not vote for a democrat if their are no tax breaks. Well, here is the problem with that will they give you the same tax breaks in 2009 if a democrat wins in the white House. Doubtful. Well let's see. Bill Clinton signed into law the "marriage penalty tax" in 1993 when he took office. Will Hillary Clinton or Obama sign a newer version into law. Costing any married couple in the United States 1500 dollars or more. If you are in the middle-class this tax will affect you. Remember my statement "programs=$". Right now there is alot of pork spending in the congress going on. Also, another note, will Hillary Clinton sign "overseas" abortions into law again. Like in Mexico. Which has asked the U.S. for the 515.7 million dollars to fund their abortions. Why doesn't Mexico pay for it with their own money. Anyway, email me. Sorry I didn't blog, but the libraries here were not working for a while. and and and and and www.