Thursday, December 6, 2007

Politics and religion 12-6

Hello all. Well as I continue on from yesterday. Here is the deal, you have to pay taxes, but you have no say in what your children are being taught. I am sorry I thought that was called 'communism' at its best. Anyway, as a parent you should have a say in what your children are being taught, since you pay taxes anyway. Also, a guy was arrested for saying "you can't teach my children that". He was arrested for alleged "hate crimes' laws. So that is it if you say 'homosexuality is sin or wrong' you will be arrested on "hate crimes legislation". Also, what happens if you protest. The teachers label you as a bigot to your children. God loves homosexuals, but hates their sin. God loves you, but hates your sin. Isn't it amazing how the 'right of free speech' is what we the conservative christians are winning at in this country. So now they have to penalize that by 'hate crimes' and the 'fairness doctrine', etc. So my philosophy is defund your school. The next time your school says "we need money" tell them to buzz off. You pay taxes, and they hire teachers to teach an agenda you don't believe in, don't support them financially. As a matter of fact, I am starting a non-profit organization that will teach millions of americans how to save money on their taxes. I will keep you posted on that. Keep speaking the truth, no matter what the cost. Also, they can't stop you from expressing your opinions anyway. You see we have something on our side, Truth! We have statisical data to rely upon, we have just the facts. When you express those facts the politicians have 'egg' on their face. The truth about 'homosexuality' is that they live to see about 45 to 50 years old. Another truth is "Gay males are the number #1 carrier of Aids/hiv". Don't believe me check the Center for Disease Control facts. These are facts. We christians are trying to just say "Look here are the facts". Fact #3- homosexuals can change their sexual orientation. In your public school books they do not teach that, however, that is true. Look how many gay people like Paulik, and others used to be 'gay'. Now they are born-again christians. How do you explain that? They can change. The choice is theirs. Well email me if you disagree. and and and and by.

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