Thursday, December 27, 2007

Politics and religion 12-27

Hello all. Well not too much to report today. You know we have a new year coming upon us, and guess what. Nothing will change. I am very intrigued in the news lately about 555 billion dollars that President Bush signed into law. You know the democrats are talking like republicans. You say "How do you Mean"? Well. This time during their political rhetoric they are talking about middle-class tax relief. Well I contacted Hillary Clinton's office and received no reply yet after 6 weeks. About the "Marriage Penalty tax". This is the tax that Bill Clinton taxed americans after he was elected. Don't believe me look it up. The amount is 1500 dollars a year. Just for the 'privilege' of being married. However, no word as usual from the mainstream media on this bill. What is so unusual is that I have not received any word on if Hillary Clinton will raise this tax back up. So imagine if Hillary gets elected she will raise this tax back up. I still have not received any word from her campaign office. Remember this how long will the middle-class tax breaks remain until after Bush leaves. Then let's stick to the taxpayers. By the way, they are claiming a 'pay as you go' philosophy. Did you know they have earmarked billions of dollars since they were elected in 2007. (These are tax increases). The bottom line is this the democrats will say anything to get elected. Once they have power then try reasoning with them on tax hikes. It is not going to happen. Tax hikes hurt the economy, and as a result more jobs will leave the country. and and and and by

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Politics and religion 12-26

I hope you all had a happy Christmas. Check this out in Downtown Los Angeles a catholic priest comes down here every year to hand out money. Well to you around that sounds great. The question is what are the people doing with the money. Smoking dope, drinking alcohol, who knows what else. I can guarantee you one thing.The dope man was right around the corner with his hand out selling dope to the people. What 'Good' did he (the Los Angeles Catholic priest) really do? I am not at him. Here is the solution. The Los Angeles Mission and other missions like the Union rescue mission and others. Have a drug and alcohol treatment christian home for anyone who wants to quit. The only way to quit drugs and alcohol is through the Holy Spirit in a person changing, Not A.A or N.A. . Programs revolved around humanism will always fail look at the welfare system in the United States. It was Lyndon Johnson who said "We will fight poverty and win". He was wrong. It has been 40 years and we have been fighting poverty. Look at the results. The solution is found in Jesus Christ, He is the only one who bring wholeness and healing to a man's soul and spirit. The Bible can change anyone. I don't care who they are. Check that one out. and and and .

Monday, December 24, 2007

Politics and religion 12-24

Well have a Merry Christmas and a happy New year. If you are a christian please remember "Jesus is the reason for the season" if you are not a christian you need to become one to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus said "you must be born again to enter the kingdom of Heaven". Be careful out there drivin. Be kind to one another in the malls. If someone wants the toy, let them take it. Don't drink and drive,the money will be alot for a ticket. If you are not born again you will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. That is what the bible says. By. and and and

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 12-23

Hello all. Well from me to you Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year. Not this crap of "Politically correct" Happy Holidays and other stuff going on. Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. I am reading a booklet called "Better things for Christmas". By Robert Thieme. Very good booklet. It is free just google his ministry to receive it. I was telling some people I don't care for the day Jesus was born. I care that he was born and rose again from the grave. That is all that matters. It does not matter what he wore or what he was crucified on. All that matters is that he rose again from the grave and lives for you and me to have everlasting life. Amen! That is all. Congress and the Senate are out for a little while. No real news in the news. Stay within your budget, and do not spend too much during this or any holiday season. Because times are good or bad is no reason to overspend during the Christmas season. I really encourage you to get the booklet "Better things for Christmas" by Robert Thieme. and and and Once again Merry Christmas and not Merry Xmas. Jesus was not an x. BY

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Politics and religion 12-22

`Hello all. Here is what we have to look forward to if Hillary Clinton is elected. Hear me out if you are a democrat. Then crunch the numbers Ok. The democrats are going to raise a "Marriage penalty tax" on you all who are married. 1500-2000 dollars. Now you are saying "but the democrats are going to raise the child tax credit". My question is for how long? Let's talk about the child tax credit. So the democrats raise the child tax credit to 5000 dollars. Ok. Presuming you have 3 kids. That means you will be saving 15000 dollars *30 percent. So you are saving 4500 dollars. Sounds real good. However, the marriage penalty tax will be 2000 dollars. So now you are only saving 2500 dollars in taxes. Don't believe me do the math. I have contacted Hillary's campaign office in San Francisco, and I still have not received any reply. Kind of odd. A democrat talking about tax breaks, however, no reply from her office on this issue. Don't you think. You have the power to change that in the power of your vote. Change it today. Vote for whoever the Republican candidate is. Ok. Don't say I did not warn you. By. and and and and by. If you are not married perhaps you know someone who is, and tell them about this. Ok.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Politics and religion 12-21

Hello all. I was researching yesterday on the internet about a democrat's tax plan named Rangel. He is a comfortable democrat out of New York. He has proposed some really high tax hikes if a democrat wins in 2009. A raise in capital gains taxes up to 25%. A raise of the 'Marriage Penalty tax' to 1500 dollars at least that is what Bill Clinton signed into law. This law means if you are married you will pay 1500 dollars for it. Hillary Clinton has not responded to me if she will raise this tax or not. I presume the answer is yes since I have not received any response. The total taxes raised will be 1.3 trillion dollars. You heard me. That is alot. Where will this money come from you the american middle-class taxpayer. So remember that if you vote. If you are a democrat remember you will see tax increases in the year 2009. I called Hillary Clinton's campaign office to ask if she would raise it. No answer still. Well by. and and and by.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Politics and religion 12-20

Hello all. Check this out in South Carolina there is a christian group that wants to hand out shoes to the needy at the public schools in the area. No Problem right. Wrong. Americans united for the separation of church and state have just a lump of coal into the equation. They (Americans united) are threatening a federal lawsuit against the school district if it allows this to happen. Handing out shoes to the needy on school premises. How stupid is that. I got an idea why don't the atheists in the Americans united group pay for shoes and distribute them to the needy. Oh that is because atheists are selfish assh---s that only care for themselves. You see the ACLU and the Americans United, complain and whine about separation of church and state, bu they do not help the communities like christian churches do. Fortunalety, I don''t think this lawsuit will go anywhere. If it does, well ask that atheistic bastards for help. Good Luck with that. and and and by.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Politics and religion 12-19

Hello all. Check this out. I told you yesterday about 'abortion' being paid for by you the american taxpayer. You know if a woman wants to have an abortion that is one thing. However, why should we the taxpayers have to pay for it. I told you in an earlier blog that there 'Planned Parenthood' expected funds of 300 million dollars. In Mexico City where they recently passed the nationwide abortion law. The United States was going to give them 515.7 million dollars. My question is Why are americans funding this? Particulary Taxpaying americans. Mexico City is not part of America. This is stupid. President Bush said he would veto any such legislation. The democrats scream there is no money for the war and deficits, however, they want you the american taxpayer to pay for 817.5 million dollars for abortions. A procedure some of you don't approve of. Let Planned Parenthood raise their own funds, do not put it on the public dime. Email me at and and and

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Politics and religion 11-18

Hello all. What a difference in politics today. Most of you have heard that in Mexico City, their politicians voted for abortion as a legal measure. Here is what you are not hearing from the mainstream media. Mexico City would have received 515.7 million dollars from guess who. You and me. THe United States taxpayers. Why is it that we in the United States are paying for abortions overseas. Could someone tell me that? However, President Bush has said he will veto such legislation when it comes to his desk. Imagine if a democrat gets elected what will happen. The next time you hear about fiscal responsibilty from the democrats tell me about it. Your taxpaying dollars will go for abortions overseas if a democrat gets elected in 2009 to the White House. Why does the United States seem to pay for everything in all of these other countries. Why don't they just fund it with their own money, and keep our taxes low. Oh by the way the reason they will not bring up the 515.7 million dollars to President Bush is he will veto it. Well by. and and and and b y.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Politics and religion 12-17

Hello all. Now some of you heard that President Bush vetoed the 'child health insurance bill'. Here is what you didn't hear from the general media. It was not just children's insurance that was vetoed. You see tucked into that bill was stuff earmarked for 'illegal immigration' the support of it primarily. And also for adults as well. So a bill about children was not just about "children" it was also about more government waste on other 'projects' as well. So if you do not support 'illegal immigration' programs. The democrats did not care. They were going to fund it anyway, without your permission. The media does not tell you the whole truth. They tell you stuff to make your emotions mad and angry. So if you don't support 'illegal immigration' tell the democrats to stop tucking money into other bills, that do not make sense. by. It is time to stop the massive abuse of taxpayer funds. Tell the democrats to stop sneaking stuff into other bills and making the President look bad in the process. Now some of you don't believe me look the bill up for yourself. By. and and and and

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Politics and religion 12-16

Hello all. Happy Sunday to you. I learned something interesting from my pastor today, about how to date a woman. The girl will not go out again if you treat the waitress like 'garbage'. He said "A good way to judge how he will treat you is see how he treats the waitress who serves you". He is right. If he treats the waitress like trash, how will he treat you. The same way. Well just a thought. Repent, believe in Jesus Christ today. While still can, and breathing. Because when you are physcially dead it is too late. Anyway by. Email me. and and

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Politics and religion 12-15 Don 't talk bash!

Hello all. You know it amazes me how this President does not receive an ounce of gratitude. Hear me out. He has eliminated the 'Marriage penalty tax' which means if you were married, he gave you back 1500 dollars of your income tax refund. No 'thank you' from anyone. He tries to fight for 'middle-class' tax relief. No amount of gratitude. However, he is really bad, because President Bush wants tax relief not tax hikes for the american people. Confusing isn't it. Also, he has will not sign pro-choice legislation, but only pro-life legislation into law. He took away money for international abortions. Which to be honest with you, I did not know we supported. He has veteod the 'embryonic stem-cell research' which has been proven to be a fraud and a hoax. So if Hillary Clinton gets elected she will raise your tax bill by 1500 dollars or more if you are married. "Don't care I am not married" you say, well maybe you know some married couples who are friends of yours. I emailed Hillary Clinton to ask her staff if she will raise the 'marriage penalty tax back up" No answer. For 6 weeks. So the answer is a presumptive 'yes'. Also she will raise the 'capital gains tax' to 30% and not keep it at 15%. Well the choice is yours. By. and and and and by. by.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Politics and religion 12-14

Hello all. I just took a survey on abortion. I received a 57% on the test. You know I thought I knew a lot about being pro-life. However, I was wrong. You know I know 'abortion is wrong', but can you imagine what they are teaching our kids in our public schools. I and you need to know the facts in the abortion issue. Go to and take the survey for yourself. Too many facts to name online. Email me. and and by.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Poitics and religion 12-13

Hello all. I suppose you were wondering how to stop abortions. Simple 'ultrasounds'. You see if a girl/woman sees the baby she is about to execute, she chances are will not abort the baby. Here is what you can do. Ask your state legislatures to keep you informed on a 'ultrasound' bill in your state senate and assembly. Ask them to introduce it. Keep them accountable to getting it passed. Ask your governor to sign it. It saves lives and taxpayer dollars in the future. More people, more jobs,etc. Look it up at on this date. Email me at and and by.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Politics and religion 12-12

Hello all. Good day to you. Well our condolences go out to the shooting victims families in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A lunatic went shooting into a church because the church, he claims "rejected" him. You know now is the time you will start hearing from the lunatics about "Gun Control". They will say "This would not have happened if we had tighter rules on Guns". First of all people. People in California have "Gun Control". And crime is rampant. Most crimes don't get reported, because of gang retailation. You know I testify against your brother and you intimidate me and maybe even intimidate me. Yet in Texas, they have less 'Gun Control" and crime is not as rampant. Interesting isn't it. Texas is one of the lowest places for crime right now. Yet 'Gun Control' laws are relatively loose. They execute people on Death row over there. Something that is a foreign concept here in California. Well keep the gun laws the way they are right now. By. and and and keep the families in your prayers. and by.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Politics and religion 12-11

Hello all. You know here in California as well as in your state (probaly) we californians passed by 62% to 38%. Proposition 22. What is this? This was a bill that said "Marriage shall be between one man and one woman" that is it. As I said before it passed 62 to 38%. However, the 'Gay' movement is not stopping. It is apparent this is the 'will of the people', but like a communist system, the liberals want to force their beliefs on you and me. Now in California there is a law that says "homosexuality, bisexulality, and transgenderism" must be in public schools taught in a positive light in our public school textbooks. There can be no mention of "Mom and Dad" at all in the textbooks or to straight married couples. This is what I call 'communism' at its best. When a state Supreme court Justice will decide on the 'validity' of Proposition 22. One man dictates whether "marriage between one man and one woman is ok". Sad, well christians in California if you do not stand now when will you stand for righteousness. When you're little girl or boy comes home and says he or she is "gay". Then it will be too late. Protect traditionial marriage in California. Reverse SB777 which Arnold signed into law. You can do that. Do you ever notice when it is the will of the people, the liberals go through the courts to push their points. They don't go through the 'democratic' process. Listen to me if you don't stop this in California. Don't say I did not warn you. By the way why isn't there any mention of this in the mainstream media? I have not heard a word of this from them. Why? I don't know. Well fight for 'Marriage' today, one day it might be too late. by and and and by

Monday, December 10, 2007

Politics and religion 12-11

Hello all. Well check this out in California. Good old Arnold has decided to sign SB777 which would make our bathrooms here in California 'gender-neutral'. If this law goes through. Then in our public textbooks here in California, they can't say 'mom and dad'. Teachers will be prohibited from saying those words in the classroom. Also, the bathrooms will be prohibited from using 'boys and girls' in them. Let me ask what if a person comes into a bathroom in a public restaurant here in California, and he is a guy who dresses like a woman. And then he rapes a woman in the bathroom. Who gets sued? The guy who raped her or the restaurant for allowing this to happen. Also, will the state get sued for this? Alot of confusing questions I know. Well just like the liberals. Let's not be boys be boys. Let them be 'girls' you democratic parents remember this the next time you vote. You may want to consider changing your vote to being 'republican' if not then guess what. Your son or daughter may come home and tell you they are a 'homosexual'. Don't say I did not warn you. Also, for your bible believing parents. Listen to me, if you don't do anything now, when will you stop them. Later, when they are more powerful. Not going to happen. and and and and by.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Politics and religion 12-9

Thank you for your prayers. At least for right now the "hate-crimes" legislation has been halted. If that would not have happened, our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq would have been in trouble, because President Bush would have vetoed it. However, there is still much to do. Vote in next year's election. Vote your values. You can guarantee the 'feminists and the gays' will. Vote your biblical values at the polls. Do you see what power prayer has. If the christians pray, God can do miracles. Believe it. Let's keep up the good fight. email me at and and and and and by.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Politics and Religion 12-7-07

Hello all. I have some interesting news on Hillary Clinton, that I personally watched on MSNBC a few days ago. First, Hillary talked about the foreclosure crisis and the steps that you probaly know about. Then the interviewer went to Hillary Clinton's tax strategy, why I don't know. But Hillary Clinton conveniently glanced over the capital gains tax increase. He said it real quickly and moved on. She said something like "well I really want to come after the equity funds businesses" however, she was asked about the capital gains tax, and she said "Oh I will deal with that when it comes to it". Notice that she isn't saying I am not going to raise the capital gains up. Don't believe me interview with Hillary Clinton on the "foreclosure crisis" on Wednesday the 5th on MSNBC. First of all, she is talking about a tax hike on all you who invest in Real Estate and Stocks, and the FOREX stuff. Do you want your capital gains taxes to get higher elect Hillary Clinton. Hillary has said she likes Mr. Rangel's plan of raising capital gains taxes to 30%. You heard me 30%. Not 15% or even 20%, but 30%. Hillary Clinton has said "I like his plan". Remember that the next time you vote for a democrat in office. They want to raise your taxes. Also, Hillary keeps trying to say I am only going to go after "these" businesses. Well if they don't contribute enough in taxes where else will the money come from. Middle-class taxpaying americans. Also, hear me as well, In 2008 congress has approved a ton of tax-relief for the middle-class in America. Why? How convenient for a close election to be predicted. Let's see when Bush's tax cuts expire if they show the middle-class the same tax relief. Everything is done for a reason. "programs=money" save money on your taxes, elect a republican to office in 2009. If you don't, do not scream, "look how much money they are taking". By. and and and and by.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Politics and religion 12-6

Hello all. Well as I continue on from yesterday. Here is the deal, you have to pay taxes, but you have no say in what your children are being taught. I am sorry I thought that was called 'communism' at its best. Anyway, as a parent you should have a say in what your children are being taught, since you pay taxes anyway. Also, a guy was arrested for saying "you can't teach my children that". He was arrested for alleged "hate crimes' laws. So that is it if you say 'homosexuality is sin or wrong' you will be arrested on "hate crimes legislation". Also, what happens if you protest. The teachers label you as a bigot to your children. God loves homosexuals, but hates their sin. God loves you, but hates your sin. Isn't it amazing how the 'right of free speech' is what we the conservative christians are winning at in this country. So now they have to penalize that by 'hate crimes' and the 'fairness doctrine', etc. So my philosophy is defund your school. The next time your school says "we need money" tell them to buzz off. You pay taxes, and they hire teachers to teach an agenda you don't believe in, don't support them financially. As a matter of fact, I am starting a non-profit organization that will teach millions of americans how to save money on their taxes. I will keep you posted on that. Keep speaking the truth, no matter what the cost. Also, they can't stop you from expressing your opinions anyway. You see we have something on our side, Truth! We have statisical data to rely upon, we have just the facts. When you express those facts the politicians have 'egg' on their face. The truth about 'homosexuality' is that they live to see about 45 to 50 years old. Another truth is "Gay males are the number #1 carrier of Aids/hiv". Don't believe me check the Center for Disease Control facts. These are facts. We christians are trying to just say "Look here are the facts". Fact #3- homosexuals can change their sexual orientation. In your public school books they do not teach that, however, that is true. Look how many gay people like Paulik, and others used to be 'gay'. Now they are born-again christians. How do you explain that? They can change. The choice is theirs. Well email me if you disagree. and and and and by.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

politics and religion 12-5

Hello all. A man opts to take his children out of a 'sexual-education' class, and he objects to the curriculum, and a federal circuit judge says "Well he can home-school or take his kids to private school". You see the man sued over the curriculum being taught to his kids, and this is what a 'public servant' said to him. Well the man's taxpayer dollars are good enough to support the school, and even the paper the curriculum is printed on. But the parents have no say in the matter. If I don't want my children learning about homosexuality, I as a parent should be able to opt them out of it. However, the schools are basically becoming 'a communist system'. You can give financially, but you have no say in what your children are taught. Well, you as a parent need to remember that the next time, the schools need donations, tell the school then to screw off. Moreover, defund the school, then maybe they will listen. You see I am opening up a non-profit organization that will sell dvd's to teach people how to 'legally' save money on their taxes. Then these parents will have a say in what their children are being taught. It it time to stop 'judicial activists' in their tracks. Support the HR bill that will stop 'judicial activism' in its tracks. Well bye. and and and and

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

politics and religion12-4

Hello all. I read this morning in the Los Angeles Times about this. A man in Nevada is going to trial over cutting down some trees. Here is the lunacy of this. If he is convicted he could get 35 years in prison. I don't think he will do that much time, however, he did receive a $250,000 fine for this. Now some of you are saying "well he deserved it". Well than doesn't a mother who terminates a little baby inside of her womb deserve death. Under Federal Law NO. Here is the depravity of our society in the United States. A man cuts down a few trees he is fined and may even face prison. But it is ok in our society to kill a baby, and no penalty arises as a result. We are a depraved and sick society. In Romans 1, this is the kind of society the Apostle Paul talked about. We are a 'reprobate' society as the Bible says. Well as of this point, there are 'no holds barred' we are in a heap of trouble in this country. As of this point I believe Judgment awaits us. and and and and and by.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Politics and religion 12-3

Hello all. Isn't it amazing how the stores are kissing butt to the customers. Let me explain. You see on side of the 'target' stores they have 'happy holidays' on one side, and on the other side they have 'merry christmas'. Also at the post office. There is no mention of Jesus on postage stamps, but 'happy Kwanza' and even 'happy Hanukkah'. No Christ. In response to this we christians should not buy as much postage stamps as they would want us too. And tell them about it. Oh by the way 'Target' stores will not allow the Salvation Army to ring their bells in front of them. Don't shop there. Email Target and tell them you will not shop at a store where they allow such 'discrimination'. Anyway by. and and and and by.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Politics and religion 12-2

Hello all. I hope you are having a blessed Sunday. I was just thinking about something. About 'heroes'. Who is your hero? Is it Michael Jordan or Reggie Bush? I hope that is not the case. I hope it is Jesus Christ, you see He was the one who died for your sins on the Cross of Calvary. As I said before 'Jesus is coming back'. Are you ready for his return? I hope you are. If you aren't ready for the Return of Jesus Christ right now in the rapture, He could come back today. Do you know that. You know some of you believe He is not coming back in the rapture, I am here to tell you he is. When he does come back are you ready? Jesus said to be. Please be ready today. Stop playing games with God and receive Jesus Christ as your own Personal saviour today. Well by. and and and by.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Politics and religion 12-1

Hello all. Well it is over for the democrats in the area of 'embryonic stem cell research'. You see a couple of weeks ago, some scientists found an alternative to the area of this research. (Without harming the embryo). It is has been proven by scientists to be real. So now the demcrats do not have an excuse to say "well we have to 'harvest the stem cells' ". It is over. So if you hear the democrats saying 'well this is for medical research' that is a lie. So now it is once again up to you the voter to decide if you want a demcrat in office. What kind of taxes will they raise. Bill Clinton raised the 'marriage penalty tax' on american families to $1500 a year. By the way I emailed Hillary Clinton's website and asked if she were elected would she bring back the 'Marriage Penalty tax'. I still have not received an email back. (It has been about 4 weeks since I emailed Hillary Clinton). Will Hillary Clinton waste your taxpayer dollars on stupid excessive programs that don't work? Don't know what do you think. Hillary will raise taxes that is a promise. If she does don't worry. I am incorporating to become a non-profit tax educational organization. So when I do I will tell you about it and teach you how to save money on your taxes. It is not as difficult as it seems. by. and and and and by.