Friday, November 30, 2007
Politics and religion 11-30
Hello all. Well we have lost a good champion for the pro-life movement. Henry Hyde died yesterday. He was 83. He used to fight for the rights of the 'unborn'. I hope he is in glory. All of us can be 'Henry Hydes', you see where you can be a champion for pro-life is at the voting booth. You see if you are a democrat then you are voting for pro-choice candidates. I don't care what 'religion' you are. Whether it be 'baptist' or whatever. You see what 'henry Hyde' taught me was 'take your faith to the polls'. Don't separate the two. The liberals would love for you to separate them. But don't. Listen to me no matter how dark it gets, the greater the chance you have to shine in the darkness. Take your faith with you to the polls, that means vote for pro-life candidates, vote for people who are pro-family, etc. The democrats right now are not for the american family. Read their voting record on that. However, remember you get what you vote for. If in 2009 we get an unrighteous person in office, remember,taxes will go up, and "gay marriage" will happen. Also a pro-gay curriculum will come through your public school system. Hillary Clinton has already promised that. Email me at and and and and by. and
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Politics and religion 11-29
Hello all. Well the United States Senate did something right (I hope). They may pass the "Broadcast Decency Act" which would control what comes on Television and radio. They are still stuck in committee on it, but let's see if it comes up for a vote. Pray it passes. It will put more 'pure' stuff on television. It is about time that we have control of what these broadcasters do on Tv. Contact your U.S. Senators and ask them to pass this legislation. and and and and by.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Politics and religion 11-28
Hello all. Whatever happened to fairness in the United States? A guy was fired for inviting a pro-life speaker to the YWCA in Cincinnati, Ohio. You see he had been told by his superiors that he could invite both sides of the abortion issue. But they fired him because he invited both sides of the issue to speak. Pro-lifers are not allowed I guess. I hope this guy sues the YWCA for alot of money, and takes them to the cleaners in the process. Well there is some good news in this. When the liberals have to silence you through speech and 'hate crimes' laws you must be doing something right. Keep it up pro-lifers it may not look like we are winning, but believe it or not we are. Continue just to present the facts to abortion, and that is that the women who get an abortion suffer emotionally or even physcially for the rest of their lives. Consequences, remember everything has consequences. Talk to people, and know and become informed on the abortion issue. Know why it is wrong if you stay informed then you can share this with your children and friends. We have the internet for goodness sake. That should be enough to stay informed. Listen to conservative radio stations, Like Rush Limbaugh, etc. Ignore the idiots like the honorable faggot 'Al Franken' and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, etc. I don't know if Jesse or Al Sharpton are faggots, but I am sure 'Al Franken' is. To be politically correct we will call him "sexually challenged". Anyway, Focus on the Family has a 52-page booklet that is downloadable on-line to keep you knowledgeable on 'stem-cell research' and 'abortion' and 'the right-to-die' issues. He gives you some pretty good tips on how to share how these are wrong as a whole. Remember what I said "programs=money" and stay informed on all of the issues. Know how to defend against these issues at all times. By. and and and and by.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Politics and religion 11-27
Hello all. Where is Christ in the holidays? Stores continue to say 'happy holidays', but you can't say 'Merry Christmas'. The thing that really aggravates me is we want God to bless this nation, and yet we won't even give him public praise. Well I have some news for you all. Don't expect God to bless this nation, because He has given us over to our enemies . You kicked him out of your public life, now don't expect Him to bless the United States. I hope the economy gets so bad, then maybe the United States will get a clue to put God back in our public schools, and in our public life. You want to kick God out of everything, then don't expect Him to do anything for your nation. Want text. The book of Deuterenomony Chapter 28 in your bibles, read what happens to those people of disobedience. Read it, and compare it to the United States. It will seem so parallel. The choice is yours. and and and and by
Monday, November 26, 2007
Politics and religion 11-26
Hello all. Nothing really new on the political front. Maybe I should run for office,not as president, but as a congressman. You say why. Well do you know how many breaks they get. For goodness sake they received a week long vacation break for Columbus day. Did you receive from your job a week long vacation time. Shoot some of you were lucky if you got that day off. They get all of August off. 2 weeks in December, and then there own vacation time, and as well a 180,000 dollar a year pension program or more. Those are good benefits. All paid medical and dental benefits. I don't know running for a congressman or a senator sounds pretty good right now. Well by. and and and by
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Politics and religion 11-25
Hello all. My pastor confirmed something to me today. Everyday should be Thanksgiving, not just once a year. Give thanks everyday for the life that Christ has given you. We live in such a selfish society. Well, if you are feeling selfish go out and serve people you don't know. That will help you to overcome selfishness. Is it easy? No. But it is rewarding. It is easy to be selfish, however, it is not easy to serve others. So remember the next time you are tempted to complain or murmur. Go out and serve the homeless. Go out and serve someone who can't pay you back for what you are doing. Join the Volunteers of America. See what you can do there. Jesus said "If you seek to keep your life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life, you will gain it" He is referring to eternity of course. Remember that statement. Well that is all for today. Have a blessed Sunday. Email me at and and and and by
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Politics and religion 11-24
Hello all. I was watching the news yesterday. All they talked about was the Christmas shopping that went on. You know aren't there greater things in this world to talk about. Yet all they talk about is the shopping going on in the United States. This is the religion section. Please remember to be thankful for what you have. Don't become an ingrate. Most of us americans are ingrates we are not thankful for what we have. Be generous to the causes of the poor this Christmas season, also remember this season isn't about the gifts it is about giving. Give your life away to others all year round. It is tough because people are ruthless, but use discernment. All I saw yesterday in the news was all about materialism and greed. How sad. That is how our society has become. Don't be like the rest of our society be different. Anyway, talk to you later. Enjoy the rest of the thanksgiving weekend. and and and by.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Politics and religion 11-22
Hello all. No blog for today. Just remember our troops In afghanistan and Iraq. Also, please remember to give thanks not just today but for everyday that you are breathing. Remember our U.S. history today. That many people have fought for our freedoms so that we could be here. Anyway, email me at and and and by.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
politics and religion 11-21
Hello all. I hope all of you have a safe and happy thanksgiving. Anyway, it would seem there is no resolve to the housing market crisis. I don't agree with the fact that Congress and the Senate now want to bail out 1 million homeowners from being foreclosed. That to me sounds like an handout. Plus it doesn't solve the problem. Look I admit to this being a problem right now. But the government baliing out the situation is not the right solution. You see if Countrywide home loans goes under, as many as 1 million will go as well. If the government bails them out what will they bail it out with. Our taxpaying money of course which means higher taxes on you. Which means you could lose your house. Do you want that? I don't think so. Well email me at and and and and and by.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Politics and religion 11-20
Hello all. What happened to fairness in America, and the right of free speech. President Bush has nominees to the appellate courts that he wants to nominate. Yet the United States Senators are holding up the process. In previous administrations between 15-17 have been approved. President Clinton had 15 approved during his time in office. However, they are not showing this president the same courtesy. What happened to bi-partisan politics. You see what they want to do in the next administration (if a democrat wins) is put in ultra-liberal nominees, so the equation is unfair. You see if you control all 3 heads of government and the courts, so if people appeal. Guess what conservatives won't have anything coming. Gay-marriage, abortion, right to die rights. (that is coming) but if the courts are mixed then even the conservatives have a shot at not getting shot down on all the issues listed earlier. Well bi-partisan politics suck. Let's have one-side rule. Preferably the Republicans. Email me at and and and and and by.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Politics and religion 11-19 money and waste
Hello all. Check this out in Virginia, the newly elected democratic governor will not match state funds to the federal abstinence funds that come in from the federal government. But here is the real kicker. Research has shown that 'abstinence' education works. So now you have a prideful man that doesn't care for people with diseases. He wants people to catch hiv or aids. By sexual promiscuttety. Let's support programs that don't work. Also this new governor is also refusing 'federal funding for abstinence education'. He won't take the funds. What is wrong with this picture. You see there are forces out there that want kids to get diseases, and have lots and lots of sex. At taxpayer expense of course. Remember what I keep saying "programs=money". So now because of one man's pride and stupidity, the people of Virginia have to pay more in taxes, because of one man's stubborness. Is this what we as americans vote for, stubborn leaders who don't care how the money comes in. If it means taxing people to death, so be it. If you are living in Virginia remember this the next time you vote. Don't forget it. Anyway email me at and and and and and by.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Politics and religion 11-15
Hello all. Check this out. Who did the democrats want to pay for abortions in the United States? You! Yes you. You see the democratically controlled congress earmarked 300 million dollars for 'Planned Parenthood' the largest abortion provider in the United States. Who is paying for abortions, the middle class. People say "bush is bad" really, he just saved some babies lives and he is evil. Oh watch this. Bush has tried to do alot for the pro-life movement. Bush senior did nothing for the pro-life movement. You see the democrats keep talking about the deficit, well then why not eliminate unneccessary funding. Let Planned Parenthood get private donors to pay for abortion, don't do it on the public dime. Thank you President Bush for not funding stupid abortion causes. Email me at and and and and by.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Politics and religion 11-14
Hello all. What happened to crying out to "GoD" for help. In Georgia yesterday there was an appeal by state legislators to cry out to the Lord Jesus Christ for help. You see in the southeast there is a wicked drought going on. Now we have people who hate 'God' probaly atheists planning some kind of action against the Governor of Georgia. I got an idea why don't we ask those atheists for all the money to buy all the water needed in Georgia. Then maybe the water problem will be solved. No! You say. Well check this out the same atheists who criticize christians in our public classrooms from Kindergarten to College are the same atheists who don't help people at all financially. Atheists don't build hospitals in third-world countries. They don't give financially or visit the sick like Jesus commanded us to. The bottom line is these atheists need to shut up or pony up the dough before telling anyone to pray for a miracle. Atheists don't do anything for anyone because they are selfish people. Show me an atheist that has build a hospital in some third-world country. Or show me an atheistic doctor who has volunteered some of his or her time to another country for medical relief in a third-world country. That's funny, they don't do that. WOW! What a shock. Atheists need to shut up and repent before it is too late. Before I go, I have a joke for you. A little girl was carrying her bible, and this atheist thought he would confuse her. He says to her" how do you know that bible is factual and believable", the little girl says " because the Bible tells me so", then the atheist says "how do you know there is a heaven and hell", the little girl responds "the Bible tells me so" then the atheist says " How do you know there is a Satan and a hell" and the little girl responds "You can meet Devil yourself when you die and go to the Lake of Fire". Pretty funny huh. Psalms says "the fool has said in his heart there is no GOd" there is the verdict. April 1st is national atheists day. By. and and and by
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Politics and religion 11-13 On a postiive note
Hello all. You know I heard the ENDA passed in the Congress last week with both democrats and republicans voting for the measure, and I think "where is the holiness?". You see I am learning you can not trust man. Both sides of the aisle voted for this. But here is my point, Could it be that the Lord Jesus Christ could use the next administration for his honor and glory in this way. My church which I go to is Calvary Chapel South Bay in Southern California. Think about this a 'homosexual' walks into my church in Sourthern California, and says "hire me" Calvary Chapel South bay says "no". They get sued and loose in court, and as a result of the financial judgment the Calvary chapel looses the building. Here is the deal, maybe God is going to separate the 'sheep from the goats'. As Jesus said he would. Maybe this persecution will show who the true christians are and who the phony ones are as well. Imagine that. Also remember that our 'fellowships' are just buildings. So if they take away our buidings where we worship, is that the best they can do. They can not take our salvation or our bodies, because if they do. We will get a new one in heaven anyway. You know who I really feel sorry for is the 'homosexuals' think about this. They are so busy shaking their fists at God. That when they die they will spend eternity in the 'Lake of Fire'. Can you imagine that? Spending eternity in the 'Lake of Fire' just because you think you have beaten the 'christians'. How sad. Well we all have to make a choice , heaven or the Lake of Fire, your choice. Receive Jesus Christ today as your Lord and Savior. BY. Email me at and and and and by
Friday, November 9, 2007
Politics and religion 11-9
Hello all. Well let's talk about these supposed 'tax reductions' for the middle-income class in 2008. Isn't it amazing that in a presidential race that is so tight how this is showing up. Here is my problem with this, is this permanent, no, it is only until a democrat wins in 2008. Then all of a sudden all bets are off. Then taxes will go through the roof for the middle-class. You mark my words, this is a temporary impasse. Nothing more, so votre Republican in 2008, because if you don't the new tax laws that they want to pass will be horrible. Remember, my phrase "programs=money". Look forward to the marriage penalty-tax being passed, which will cost every american about 1500 or more dollars a year. Except a capital gain tax hike again to 25%. Well you have been warned. Email me at and and and and by.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
politics and religion 11-8
Hello all. Good for New Jersey. Did you hear the news? The New Jersey voters rejected a 10 year $450 million a year budget proposal for embryonic stem cell research. This is what I am talking when it comes to general waste. You see the Federal Government wants to spend your taxpaying money on projects like 'embryonic stem cell funding'. Even though it has not produced any results. You see if 'embryonic stem cell research' worked as their advocates say they work. Where are the results? None. Another reason why 'embryonic stem cell research' is flawed. If this research is so productive why isn't it that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett and some of the other billionaires are financially backing this up. Because 90% of them don't waste their money on stupid programs. However, if you want to fund a stupid program, not knowing what the results will be. Get the Federal Government to fund it. Force it onto all of the states like abortion was. Abortion was legal in 38 states in 1971, the federal government decides let's make it legal in all of the states, despite the 'will of the people'. Next it is 'embryonic stem cell research' and then it will be 'euthanasia' more on that tomorrow. Well email me at and and and and by.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Politics and religion 11-7
Hello all. Well pretty slow news week. The ENDA has been postponed until next month for a vote. Why I wonder? I have another question why is it that since this 'democratically controlled congress and Senate' have been in power, Why is it that they really haven't shown the american people their true incentives of raising taxes. Rangell, a congressman, from New York has announced a unique tax plan. He wants to eliminate the 'home interest mortgage deduction' for all americans. And Hillary Clinton has said "I am quite fond of the Rangell plan". He also wants to increase taxes on people making over $150,000 or more each year. Their is no budget plan that has been introduced yet to the President for approval. Typical democratic rhetoric. They don't want to introduce their budget proposal for one reason, there are tax hikes in it. Particularly, to you the middle-class. So remember a democrat will raise your taxes, and 'republicans' will lower them relatively. That is all for today. Well email me at and by. and and
Monday, November 5, 2007
Politics and religion 11-05
Hello all. Well Chrysler has just announced 12,000 jobs are leaving by 2009. I am saddened for the employees, but what can you do. Bank of America has just announced they will lay off 5,000 employees. You know this is a bash to both sides of the aisle.(both democrats and republicans). As much as I like George W. Bush, I don't agree with him on some of his business policies. However, democrats are not that much better either. You see democrats believe tax anyone who is making money to death. Republicans believe tax some people to death. President Bush has done alot for the pro-life movement and the family movement, however, he also signed into law CAFTA. (Central american Free trade agreement). Another way of reducing jobs in the United States. What are we going to do? Well there something you can do. You can boycott the Chrysler corporation and not buy any of their cars. Don't do business with Bank of America. Anyone who boycotts these companies. Then they start to loose money, and email them, and say "we are boycotting you" for this reason. Laying off 1,000's of employees. If these companies hear from you guess what. They will not lay off employees. If they don't guess what. They will continue to lay off people. We need to keep jobs in the United States and not outside of it. Now Republicans are for traditonally helping out people who are in small and big business. Democrats are for more taxing of small and big businesses. I have a solution, don't pay taxes, you heard me, don't pay taxes, if you don't pay taxes, like the rich do. Then you won't have to fund the programs. We have in the United States a communistic tax system. The top 1% of this country's wealthy people control the congress and the Senate. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. I will tell you how can lower your tax debt in the United States legally. How many would like that? Well in a few months I will tell you about it. Email me at and and and and and
Friday, November 2, 2007
Politics and religion and faith 11-2
Check this out. I just received a letter from my Federal Senator Dianne Feinstein. She has informed me that will not oppose the DREAM act. Illegal immigration is a hot button these days. Most americans are for illegal immigration as a whole. Now the DREAM act comes along. Previous attempts by the United States Senate have failed when it comes to illegal immigration reform. This is no different. Check this out the DREAM act would have had no accountability just a person's word that they were here illegally for a little while. What do you mean? All a person would have to do is go to a community college and enroll in a class and all of a sudden they are a legal resident of the State in which they live and can apply for legal citizenship with no background checks at all. Let me say something about illegal immigration, what part of 'illegal' didn't you understand. If I sell dope or molest children. I am a monster right. However, if I come over to the United States illegally I am rewarded for it. You see when the american people are opposed to something the liberals in the congress and the senate have to go through a back door type of legislation. This is a perfect example of that. Anyway thank God it was defeated in the United States Senate a few days ago. Keep up the pressure. Some of you are saying to me "that I am a rascist pig how dare you". Here is the problem. Illegal immigrants cost the United States billions of dollars and send most states into a deficit if not checked carefully. Need an example, California. We have a huge deficit in this state, and it is not getting better. And our economy in California consists of low-wage service jobs between 8-9 dollars an hour. If you are not careful your state will go through this. You see an illegal alien is a low-wage earner. However, his children need to go to public school which costs money, and sometimes they get Welfare. Don't forget the grandparents. The grandparents haven't contributed a dime to the system, and now they will be getting Social Security, and Medicare. That is why these programs will be broke in a few years. The children and the dad need healthcare as well. Who will pay for that. Remember what I have always said "programs=money" remember that. Who's taxes are going to pay for all of these programs. The middle-class hard-working americans like you that is who? In California by the way the average illegal immigrant costs the middle class worker here an extra $100 a month. How much in your state does it cost to fund illegal immigration? Take action vote for someone that will take some swift illegal immigration reforms. I do have an answer for illegal immigration reform. Grant Amnesty, close the borders ( meaning no one else in the country at all comes in) and last enforce the laws. (which means deport people if they are here illegally). Email me at and and and and for more information on the illegal immigration google minutemen non-profit org for a rational and fair look at immigration reform. Very wise organization.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Politics and religion 11-01
Hello all. Well what happened to bipartisan politics, Ted Kennedy is pledging to oppose another one of President Bush's nominees to the Circuit courts in the United States. You see in past presidential administrations there has usually been 15-17 people approved overall for as judges. However, in this administration the democrats are dragging their feet. Approving 5 only. There is a reason, if the democrats take control of the White house in 09, then alot of laws will be challenged, and they need their liberal counterparts to support them. You know I don't know what it will take to save this country. Abortion on demand, gay marriage. I agree with Billy Graham when he says "if God doesn't judge America he is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah". Now I see what he means. Anyway, Let President Bush's appointees come up for a vote, (an up or down Vote that is). By the way if you control the courts you control the country. Because Supreme court and Circuit court judges are appointed for life. Anyway email me at and and and by
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