Tuesday, July 31, 2007

politcs and religion 7-31

Hello all. It is interesting to me how we as a nation are so stupid. What do you mean? We have about 537 who essentially rule america, and we as christians can't get anything done. If christians would learn the power of being one than maybe we would be able to vote some good leaders into this country, and keep them there. The 537 are the congress, and the senate, and the president, and the Vice-president. We have politicians who do not listen to our voice, but to other voices. We as Americans cannot play dumb anymore. Let me explain we have the internet, we have organizations like www.citizenlink.org and we can check on tax hikes by congress and the senate online now by going to www.senate.gov and www.congress.gov online. Their is no more excuses for tax hikes if americans would mobilize ,and just stay informed on how to take back your government.Do not let anymore senators vote for a tax increase, if 1 or 2 million people emailed their senators in the federal government regularly, and told them "no more tax hikes". They would never vote for another tax increase. I am calling on all christians to pray for the elections next year to eliminate taxes in this country. It can be done, but your senators,and your congresspeople need to hear from you whenever they propose another tax hike. It is time to cripple the United States, and stop paying for unneccessary programs that the government wants to pay for. I say no more taxes, in the United States. I am going to spend some time on this subject, the subject will be based on politics and religio, and how to not have anymore of our taxes in this country raised. Stay informed. www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com and www.adamsphilosphy.blogspot.com thanks for emailing me. Bye. www.latravelytb.com

Monday, July 30, 2007

politcs and religion 7-30

Hello all! Not too much on the politicial front to report. Things are slow before the politicians go on summer break. Do they deserve a vacation. Most of us get 1 to 2 weeks for a vacation at our jobs, but they get raises on a regular basis. Did you all know out there that if a congressperson stays in office for just 2 or 6 years equivalent to one term. They get a lifetime pension of 180,000 dollars a year. How cool is that, or not. Well welcome to America the land of abundant waste and stupidity. Just remember what I said if Hillary Clinton gets elected to office taxes in America will most definitely go through the roof. Think about that. www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com and www.adamsphilosphy.blogspot.com and thanks for reading if you want to comment email me. Bye. Politics and REligion. www.latravelbyt.com

Sunday, July 29, 2007

politics and religion 7-28

Hello all. It is interesting to me how 'common courtesy' goes out the window. What do I mean. Well when Bill Clinton was president, the US senate voted in 17 of his court nominees, and even George Bush Sr. they voted in 16 of his nominees, but under this president they don't want to vote in any of his nominees. They have to date voted in 4 of his nominees. Whatever happened to 'common courtesy'or maybe the democrats want to make the courts so liberal that whenever any conservative issue comes to their courtroom, they will vote against it. Whatever happened to justice in our country in our country? The courts could all turn into the 9th 'circus' court which is out of their mind. www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com and www.

www.adamsworldreviews.blogspot.com . Visit me again thanks. www.latravelytb.com

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Politics and religion 7-26

Hello, everyone. Check this out, the democrats want to kill more babies. They want to eliminate some provisions in some of the funding programs states receive. These provisions would protect the rights of the unborn. Now these new provisions state you must support 'safe sex' education as well as abortion. When will America learn that if we keep on killing human life. There won't be anyone left #1. #2-God will judge America for its sin of killing all these unborn babies, when that happens look out. Email me at http://www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com/ and at www.adamsphilosphy.blogspot.com Http:// www.latravelytb.com

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well not too much to report today. They did an inspection in my building today. I passed thank you Jesus! Anyway, things are relatively quiet on my floor not too much to report. Please email me on Downtown L.A. Life and how you see it. www.adamsphilosphy.blogspot.com and www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com thanks. bye. www.latravelytb.com

Monday, July 23, 2007

adamsworldreviews 7-23 'tolerance'

"Tolerance". Does not that mean anything anymore? A couple of days in a school district in Montgomery county this question is important. Under the name of "tolerance" a school district is saying that a bunch of christian students are related to the kkk. They do not want the christian students to teach people that gay people can become straight, and thus equating them to the Ku Klux Klan. I have a question 'why are the tolerant' people not tolerating people who disagree with them. Doesn't that make them 'intolerant' confusing isn't it. Well the bottom line is in our culture it is ok to tolerate everything under the sun, except christian beliefs. If you are a christian we can not tolerate you. Do you guys see the true agenda of this stupid ideology? I hope you do. Email me at adamhawke000@yahoo.com and at www.adamsworldreviews.blogspot.com thanks. Bye.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Abandon Israel? 7-20

Hello, welcome. If the United States continues down the trail of coddoling muslims, and embracing radical Islam. Eventually, we will abandon Israel. You can not do both. The U.S. has been a longtime ally of Israel, but if we tolerate a religion which does not tolerate Israel, I believe we will see the judgment of God if we abandon Israel. In the bible it says ' I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you'. This is a direct reference to Israel. We have judgment coming for all of our sins, such as the sin of abortion, and pornography, but God will definitely abandon us for abandoning his people. These would be the most horrible mistake we could make as a nation. I think if Obama is elected, he will do his best to abandon Israel. And Hillary had an article in the Los Angeles Times that loosely stated we should make Palestine a nation. I think we should nuke those bastards off the face of the earth. Thanks for reading. http://www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com/ adamsworldreviews.blogspot.com. Send me an email. Http://www.latravelytb.com

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hillary Clinton aims to win over doubters - Adams View

The Following is an excerpt from the Los Angeles Times

Hillary Clinton aims to win over doubters

If the Democratic presidential candidate can change minds in her own party, she can demonstrate general election potential.
By Stephen Braun, Times Staff Writer
July 3, 2007

"To that end, the Clinton campaign is already deep into a concerted, poll-tested effort to sway the he public conversation about her in the primary states where it matters most, portraying her as both Midwestern family woman and accomplished national leader instead of a lightning rod for ceaseless political warfare. Former President Clinton will delve into his wife's biography this week, aides said, as the couple barnstorm across Iowa for a series of high-profile Independence Day rallies." Full Article At; LA Times

Here is the deal. If Hillary, wins taxes will definitely go up for all of you middle-class as well as the lower middle class and the higher poor people. Your choice. Choose well. I am kind of amazed at 'christians' who claim to be pro-life, but will vote for someone who is pro-choice. We need to wake up, when are christians going to say "enough is enough". Vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Whoever is the closest to your christian beliefs. WWW.adamhawke000@yahoo.com www.adamsworldreviews.blogspot.com Http://www.latravelytb.com

adamsworldreviews 7-19

You know what I do not understand. I don't understand how american people can be so easily duped. Let me explain. Ever since we have had this new congress, they have been trying to muzzle free speech in America. First came 'hate crimes' which basically protects the homosexual community from being talked about across pulpits across the nation. Now it is the 'employment non-discrimination' act which says 'you have to hire a gay man no matter ' if you a religious organization or not. Did you hear about the massive amount of rapes on our high school campuses to make people gay. NO! Well that is because the organization called GLAAD does not want any negative stories aired about them. What is wrong with a healthy debate on homosexuality, instead of forcing your beliefs on people. Parents beware the homosexuals do not play fair. Email me even if you disagree with me. WWW.adamhawke000@yahoo.com. Http://adamsworldreviews.blogspot.com. The bottom line is no one wants to be fair and honest, they want to force their beliefs on us. Bye. http://www.latravelytb.com

Friday, July 13, 2007

Adams philosphy on politics today 7-12

Check this out. On Monday, the politicians are joining together on both sides to pass the 'hate crimes' legislation act. Which openly defies the U.S. Constuitiion. They are sneaking it into another bill as an amendment to try to radar it. Anyway, this bill would give special protections to the 'homosexual' community. Now some of you are saying 'well this is no big deal'. This will stifle christian expression as well as other people's rights. If you value your religious freedom contact your U.S. senator, and tell them to vote against the 'hate crimes' measure. adamhawke000@yahoo.com also at http://adamsworldreviews.blogspot.com/ Send me an email, and tell me what you think thanks. If you want to stay connected to the issues of the day contact citizenlink.org Bye. http://www.latravelytb.com

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What is new in the news today. Oh President Bush is still being stubborn concerning the Iraq war. We need a pull out plan. That is how I feel about the Iraq war. Well the all star american baseball game is coming on at 5pm today. I will probaly watch it. What is new on the aborton front, name me a person who has caught aids or any other sexual disease from being abstinent. I can not think of anybody can you. However, Planned Parenthood just released their reports on their failures. Check out citizenlink. org to see what I mean. Isn't it amazing how we as taxpayers pay taxes for useless programs such as abortion. Anyway talk to you later bye.

Monday, July 2, 2007

adams world free speech?

Hello everyone. What is new. Oh yes in the news today the liberals want to control everything again. There is something called the 'fairness doctrine' well it is everything, but 'fair'. It basically forces 'politically incorrect' radio stations to air people's opinions that the liberals disagree. You may be a democrat, but be a fair one. Let free speech reigh, not this crap of forcing people to view your opinions. Also, does this mean that conservatives can air on liberal radio stations their beliefs, and such or not. If this law is fair this should be the case. adamhawke000@yahoo.com Http://www.adamsworldreviews.blogspot.com. Email me. I would like to hear from you. I am a fair person email me even if you disagree with me.